Gold Carved Yu

In 2017, when China welcomed the US President Trump, he pointed out that the names of the three halls of the Forbidden City were all in peace to emphasize the Confucian motto and expensive.

The world needs to adhere to this view now than ever.However, at the worst situation, there was a dispute between the two major powers.American society is filled with anti -China emotions; recently, there is a saying in China that is very popular: if you are not angry with the United States, you will not be patriotic.

Sino -US relations have become so nervous. It seems that only aliens attack the earth can alleviate this tension.From this perspective, perhaps we should regard 2019 coronary virus as the attack we need.China and the United States should cooperate to find vaccines or healing methods, rather than continue to blame each other in vain.

The coronary virus crisis provides a possible way for the two countries to accusations from mutual accusations to reconciliation.This popularity also provides a rare opportunity for China to solve its strategic predicament as a rising power, especially the efforts to win the trust of the United States and other great powers.Chinese leaders can rebuild the country's international image through action rather than words. This is based on moral needs, not based on geopolitics.

The world suddenly discovered that it was in a sanitary crisis, an economic crisis, and a liquidity crisis.Therefore, many economies are facing the decline of the Great Depression in the 1930s, not the Great Recession in 2009.

An important lesson of the Great Depression is that the government of the rich country has triggered global protection through measures such as the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act and the ABNONONONORMAL Importations Act and the BritishDoctrine has led to a significant slowdown in trade and capital flows.In fact, such policies of various countries are always the culprit of the global economic crisis.

Each major global crisis in the past 20 years is an opportunity for China to strengthen diplomatic relations.

Former US President Bush and Obama both listed China as the main competitors and competitors in the United States, but China successfully reversed the situation each time.First, after the United States suffered terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, through cooperation on counter -terrorism projects; then after the global financial crisis in 2008, it helped stimulate global demand and stabilize the financial market.

Similarly, during the debt crisis of the euro zone, China strengthened its connection with Europe by purchasing bonds in Greece, Portugal and Spain.It also increases imports from Europe and investment in Europe.

By helping leaders to cope with crisis crisis around the world, China can transform its defense and passive posture of the United States into a more open and active gesture.Fortunately, Chinese leaders recognize the challenges and opportunities in front of them.

First of all, the capacity of cotton swabs, ventilators, masks and protection equipment required by American production hospitals is limited.Therefore, China should actively provide medical supplies and equipment and share its data and clinical experience in coronary virus.In addition, China should ensure the continuous operation of its medical supply chain and resist any temptation to cut off basic materials such as drugs and vitamins to the United States, as some Chinese have recommended.

Secondly, China can become a pillar of global demand and the source of key supply, because as China is preparing to lift the blockade, Chinese companies are restoring their vitality.By stabilizing the global supply chain and helping to maintain the flow of goods at any possible place, China can quietly refute the decoupling theory that has begun to form.

These efforts are particularly important when the crown disease threatens the recently reached Sino -US first -stage trade agreement.Although China promises to purchase US $ 12.8 billion (about S $ 18.25 billion) US services in 2020, a large part of them will come from the tourism industry.

In addition, the demand for some commodities will not come from China, and some other products will not be produced in the United States, leading to a shortage of shortage.Therefore, the popularity of infectious diseases has a good reason for the two countries, delayed further tariffs, and space for each other.

Third, China should provide fiscal assistance to developing countries, and these countries usually fall into trouble during the global economic recession period.International Monetary Fund lacks resources to become major loan institutions or liquidity providers, and most of the world's major central banks provide exchange arrangements.When Portugal, Argentina, and Egypt were facing a financial crisis, it was the People's Bank of China with a package of rescue programs for them and assumed credit risk.

Finally, as Chinese leaders seize this opportunity to restore their relationships with the United States, private companies in the two countries are working together.Medical companies in China and the United States are cooperating with the production and distribution of coronary virus detection kits.Scientists at the University of Harvard will cooperate with Chinese researchers, including Zhong Nanshan, a well -known epidemiologist who first discovered Shas virus, to participate in a five -year -on -$ 115 million coronary virus research project funded by China Real Estate Corporation.

If there is any lesson in China to share with the world, it is to convey the information about the crisis crisis, speed, transparency, accuracy and scientific reliability are extremely important.The popularity is not the time to tout the governance system or method of any country, let alone compete for global dominance.China should quietly win trust by helping the United States and other countries.This is not for strategic interests, but morality.

The author is a professor of economics at the School of Economics and Economics of London, England, World Economic Forum Global Youth Leaders

Original English: Is this Chinesequo; s Global Leadership Moment?

Copyright: Project Syndicate, 2020.