According to the Taiwan China Times article, the quot; crown duration period; world power structure and system will change significantly.;.What is worrying is that the United States and China refuse to jump out of the traditional geopolitics confrontation model, and the awareness of populism, nationalism, and external consciousness prompts hardliners to be a doctrine, the world quot; the new cold war quot; even local conflicts, it is difficult to avoid.During the period of Taiwan, even if it must be a model of global crown disease, it still cannot get rid of the strategic dilemma of small countries. In particular, China and the United States are the first to be evil.

The number of crown diseases in the United States reached a record high. More than 460,000 people in the United States confirmed. As the epidemic deteriorated, the number of deaths continued to rise, and the Trump administration faced an unprecedented ruling crisis.Under the ruthless destruction of the virus, the foreign policy with quot; the United States priority Quot; as the main axis has become Quot; dangerous fantasy quot; and compensation to the US international leadership.Although Trump's personal prestige can still be maintained above 50%, this is just a short phenomenon that the national difficulties are united under the national flag, and his re -election is in danger.

Trump, who was anxious to reverse the disadvantages, obviously ate the scales and iron, and he was lonely, and he played Quot.Today's situation of epidemic prevention collapse.He then extended the front to the World Health Organization (WHO), implying WHO and the mainland, misleading the international community.US media reported that Trump positioned the main axis of the Presidential election in November as QUOT.

The European and Australian media also seemed to seek revenge, to find the argument for the dead ghosts, condemned the mainland, and demanded sanctions and compensation. The rising hatred and hostility have made the two sides unable to communicate rationally, let alone work together.

Of course, the mainland refuses to accept the United States' charges. In addition to refuting the criticism of the United States is unfair and wrong, it also launches a foreign publicity offensive. In addition to showing the effective control of the epidemic, social and economic activities are restored to normal.Mainland China has played the role of active assistance in the global anti -epidemic efforts, in an attempt to sweep the infamous and delay the epidemic.

On the other hand, in the face of the overwhelming critical, discrimination and hostility of the United States, the mainland has also aroused general anti -American emotions, and nationalism has risen. In addition, the epidemic is controlled, and economic performance may be better than expected.The US -China relations have finally breathed a little after reaching the first -stage trade agreement at the beginning of this year, but quickly flipped under the pressure of the epidemic.The kindness expressed with Trump at the end of March seems to be just a flash.

With the current situation development, under the strong domestic political pressure, the opportunities for improving relations between China and the United States are slim. Kissinger is concerned about the Quot; free international order is difficult to maintain, and the world is in the beacon of flames; it is difficult to avoid.In the face of the post -crown disease, the military and economic power of the United States may still dominate the world, but under the priority of the United States, build a high wall, and the quotia alone;It is difficult to play with international organizations and mechanisms.

The crown disease epidemic shows the ability and spiritual mobilization of the mainland, and also exposes insufficient transparency during the treatment of major crises, and the bureaucratic QUOT; and QUOT; political achievements; priority system defects.The mainland will become the main leader of the 21st century, the leader and system of the world's leaders and systems. These missing problems must also be resolved.

In March 2020, it will leave an important record in history. Except for World War II, there is no separate war or disaster in human history that can flip the world order, but a crown disease epidemic will cause major changes.Order, value system, political system, globalization, etc. will be unprecedentedly challenged.

At this critical moment, why will Taiwan be on?You can choose to continue the quot;In the past week, I saw that US Secretary of State Pompeo and the East Asian Bureau of the State Council frequently shot and publicly praised the effectiveness of Taiwan's resistance. This is by no means the best normal performance in Taiwan and the United States.The nerves, but the consequences are passed on to Taiwan.

In fact, Taiwan can have better choices, which can play key QUOT; integrate Quot; integrate Quot;Taiwan has the values of Western freedom and democracy, and also inherits traditional Chinese culture. It has the same origin as the mainland as the mainland. It can also choose to stand at the height of promoting American -China cooperation, global unity against new crown pneumonia.The hostility between the United States and China reduces the tension of the continuous rise in the Taiwan Strait, and enhances Taiwan's international status and influence. The three -sided relationship structure of the United States, China and Taiwan will also be more balanced. It is of great significance for the stability of the region and global situation.