Current affairs perspective

The 2019 coronary virus has been confused in this world. I have never thought that the anti -epidemic materials exported in China have caused a wave of unbelthed, waves of quality door incidents.Spain, the Czech Republic, the Philippines and other countries have referred to the reliability problems of the crown detection test box produced by China, and the detection effect is not good. Then a batch of masks exported to the Netherlands in China are not qualified.600,000 masks.

These messages are uproar in the world, and the reliability of the testing kit directly determines the accuracy of the diagnosis of crown disease infection.High -quality protective items are more related to the safety guarantee of medical staff who are the front lines of the most resistant to epidemic. Unqualified masks have caused them to lose barrier in the high -risk environment of patients. The consequences can be imagined.

Afterwards, China officially released news that other countries' questioning of the quality of anti -epidemic supplies in other countries was not completely correct. For example, the accuracy of some detection kits was not enough, because it was not used properly; after some countries, they also accused the apology of inconsistency.

Although the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hua Chunying on April 2nd gave a clear response to the unqualified mask exported to the Netherlands at a regular press conference, but at the eyes of this festival of global resistance, it was still not enough to dispel the outside worldDoubt and negative effects of anti -epidemic supplies made in China.China believes that Chinese companies work overtime and produce at night to be able to provide more needed medical protection materials to other countries. This effort not only has not been respected, but has been slander.

The strange current situation of the opinions of the two sides is the same. Aside from China's inherent political hostility in the West, the author believes that the essence of its essence must be used to return to the product and the market itself.As the saying goes, flies do not bite seamless eggs.

Although China is a world -recognized manufacturing country, the products mostly occupy the international market share cheaply, and there is still a gap between the high -recognized high standards of quality.I want to analyze the problems in storms in the following aspects with the experience of engaging in quality management in multinational companies for many years.

First, product ordering standards.What standards (or agreements) are supplied by the anti -epidemic medical products in the quality storm and whether the physical quality meets the order requirements.If it is not satisfied, there is no doubt that it is a unqualified product.A manufacturer with export conditions must first be produced to produce and supply according to the standards of exporters or designated agreements.This must thoroughly understand each provisions of the standard, including annotations and all the terms of reference standards.

Many Chinese companies are lacking in the interpretation of foreign standards. Compared with European, American, and Japanese standards, China's national standards are relatively loose.Therefore, if there is no well interpreting the buyer's order standards, it can only be said that there is a lucky god to care for it.It is reported that the company, which caused the storm in Spain, made it clear in the first public sale (IPO) prospectus in 2019 that the company has always focused on the field of food safety detection.This has a large deviation from the medical testing field. It is difficult to completely digest foreign product standards and cited standards in different industries in such a short period of time.For special products, it must not only meet product standards, but also meet the industry standards used by downstream users.

2. Meet the physical quality of the product required by the user.Good products not only meet the standards, but also meet user use.High -end products are often higher than the order standards, and have very good stability, that is, the internal control standards of manufacturers in the production process are relatively strict.Therefore, different enterprises are produced in accordance with the same product standards, and the quality of the physical quality is different.

Good enterprises not only have good product quality, but also have good service quality. When the quality of the product is almost the same, the competition at this time is reflected in service.The supplier should provide consistent services before the customer's procurement, purchase and delivery.Understand the other party's use and judgment method before supply; actively inform the product's instructions, and have clear product manuals in the finished packaging.All these can ensure that users use the products correctly, so that users are satisfied, and unnecessary disputes are caused by improper use.In particular, the current export anti -epidemic supplies not only involve the company's own business reputation, but also represent the image of the country.

3. Qualification certification.The sudden epidemic has led to a surge in demand for overseas medical supplies. Some media broke the news that many Chinese companies temporarily hugged the Buddha's feet, so as to quickly obtain the current popular European European European qualified certification (CE) and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) certificationFor a while, fish dragons are mixed.In this regard, the Ministry of Commerce, the General Administration of Customs, and the State Drug Administration jointly issued an announcement that since April 1, enterprises with the export of coronary virus test agents, medical masks, medical protective clothing, ventilator, and infrared thermometer must beOnly the domestic certification qualifications can be exported.Those who are familiar with the European and American legal culture know that if you want to enter the European and American markets, you must first measure whether the product is really hard, and secondly, we must measure whether there is sufficient lawsuit capabilities.

At present, global epidemic is flooded, and epidemic prevention materials are still a seductive cake.At present, as a company that produces medical products, you must have the minimum conscience. Do not benefit the word. After the epidemic, you can take a steady and far away and seize the opportunity to play the brand.

Borrowing the famous sentences at the beginning of Shuangcheng: This is the best era and the worst era; this is the era of wisdom and a stupid era.This is also the key era of China from a large manufacturing country to a manufacturing power.

The author is a former executive of Singapore Mining Company