Li Liangfu

Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir adopted a tightening policy, affecting the large -scale doubtful plans signed by the former Najib government and China, and seemed to cause Sino -Malaysia relations to be in trouble.Malaysia has suspended the estimated RM55 billion East Coast Railway Plan, oil and gas pipelines, and Panbara natural gas pipelines that cost RM9.4 billion, because these plans are too expensive and will further drag out national debt.

However, from a wider perspective, China -Malaysia relations are full of vitality and sturdy.For example, China has been the largest trading partner in Malaysia in the past nine years. It has become the largest investor in the Malaysian manufacturing industry for two consecutive years, and it is also Malaysia's long -term main construction contracting partners.Over the past six years, China is also one of the largest customers of the Malaysian tourism industry.

China has strived to laid the foundation for Mahathir's recent official visit.Beijing received Mahathir's special envoy Dain, and sent Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi to Kuala Lumpur.The agreement signed by the two parties is mainly to promote agricultural products in China in China. It can be seen that Mahathir's Chinese itinerary focuses on economic and substantial cooperation.Mahathir also visited Chinese companies such as Alibaba and Geely, which have invested in Malaysia and intended to expand their business.These are China Investment welcomed by Mahathir.

China avoids publicly mentioned large -scale Chinese projects that are in trouble in Malaysia.On the contrary, Beijing emphasizes many areas of cooperation between the two countries and how to further develop on this basis.Although Beijing acknowledges that the cooperation between the two countries may have differences or problems (indirectly mentioning stagnant Chinese -funded projects), emphasizing that these differences are only one aspects of a wide relationship, and they should be resolved through friendly negotiations.

Mahathir's relations during the last term

During his time as Prime Minister from 1981 to 2003, Mahathir started the development experience of Japan and South Korea and launched the Malaysian East Policy to develop Malaysia into an industrial country.Although China has not been regarded as a reference model by Malaysia, Mahathir has stopped the past suspicion and distrust policies to improve its relations with China.

In fact, during the 22nd years of governance, he visited China seven times in 1985, 1993, 1994, 1996, 1999, and 2001.In November 1985, he visited China for the first time as a Prime Minister, one of which focused on strengthening bilateral economic relations with China.At that time, China just launched reform and opening up in the late 1970s, and Malaysia launched the industrialization process through iconic projects such as the domestic car plan launched in July 1985.

Mahathir believes that Asian countries including Malaysia and China are conducting a "economic revolution" to allow domestic "various ethnic groups to get rid of poverty, unemployment and underdeveloped state."

During Mahathir's tenure, Malaysia -China trade relations have improved significantly.In 1985, the trade volume of Malaysia and China was about $ 388 million.When Mahathir visited China in 1993, the bilateral trade volume was about 1.8 billion US dollars, which was about five times in 1985.When Mahathir stepped down in 2003, the bilateral trade volume exceeded $ 20 billion, which was more than 50 times in 1985.

In addition, from 1985 to 2003, Malaysia achieved a trade surplus (except 1986) to China, reversing its trade deficit with China before 1985.Communication between people is also growing, such as international students and Chinese tourists.

At the regional level, Malaysia was the first Asianan country to establish diplomatic relations with China. In 1991, the then then of the Chinese Minister of Foreign Minister Qian Qichen was invited as a guest of the Malaysian government to attend the 24th Asian Secretary -level meeting held in Kuala Lumpur.This paved the way for China to become a sub -safe dialogue partner in 1996.

When Mahathir responded to the economic and political influence brought about by the financial crisis in 1997, he thanked the Chinese government for "unswervingly" adhering to the commitment to insist on not depreciating the RMB.He said in 1999, "China is indeed a friend, far exceeding other so -called friends."

China also supports the concept of regional integration proposed by Mahathir.When Chinese Prime Minister Li Peng visited Kuala Lumpur in 1990, Mahathir proposed the East Asian Economic Core Forum (EAEC).China originally hesitated, but President Yang Shangkun eventually announced in 1992 that EAEC "has a positive significance for promoting regional economic cooperation."In addition, when Chinese prime minister Zhu Rongji visited Kuala Lumpur in November 1999, Mahathir once again called on the establishment of the Asian Monetary Fund, Zhu Rongji announced its full support.

China actively contact Mahathir

From the time when Mahathir's victory in the May election to visiting China in August, China tried to try to contact Mahathir and people who had close relationships with him.

Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang sent a congratulatory message when Mahathir was sworn in on May 10, saying that Mahathir was the "senior politician" of Malaysia and the region.Active and important contribution.He also said that China "attaches great importance to" China -Malaysia relations and is willing to work with Mahathir to promote the stable development of comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries.

When the Chinese ambassador to Malaysia visited Mahathir during the day, a similar conversation was made.He said Mahathir was "the old friend of the Chinese people".He pointed out that Mahathir made important contributions to China -Malaysia relations, because the existing 44 -year diplomatic relations between China and Malaysia was Malaysia as Prime Minister, and during this period he visited China seven times.During the day, China also stated that China appreciated Mahathir to the stage shortly after supporting the "Belt and Road" initiative and China's investment in Malaysia.

Before visiting Mahathir, he met with two key figures around Mahathir during the day: former Financial Minister, Chairman of the National Elderly Council Dain, and Guo Henian, a member of the National British Association and an important economic relationship with China.Guo Hen has given generous assistance to China for many years, and has been highly valued by China. The "Outstanding Model" called Ma Guohua during the day is the "very respectful elder and close friend of China."In order to express his respect, the Chinese Embassy in Malaysia posted a photo, showing that he was sitting beside Guo Henian cordially during the day and listened to his speech with his heart.

China readily received Dain's interview in July, but pushed the visit of the Minister of Finance Lin Guanying.According to reports, this may be because he tried to ask China to explain illegal acts on the two Chinese -funded natural gas pipeline projects.Dain's access official color is lighter, and it is also a more effective channel, because Mahathir is willing to listen to Daine's suggestions.During Dain's visit to China, Li Keqiang and Wang Yi explained that China attaches great importance to his trip.

Dain was transferred to Li Keqiang a private letter from Mahathir.This letter reiterated that Malaysia was willing to establish relations with China, and it was obviously not mentioning Chinese -funded projects that were in trouble.In the letter, Mahathir guarantees that he will be committed to maintaining friendly relations with China and is willing to further strengthen the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries.He also said that Malaysia welcomes the investment of Chinese companies and is optimistic about the future of Malaysia -China relations.

Nevertheless, Dain mentioned that no matter what problems occurred in the development of bilateral relations, he believed that both Malaysia and China could find solutions.This seems to imply the Chinese -funded project that pauses.

In order to further pave the way for Mahathir's visit to China, from July to August, Wang Yi went to Malaysia to visit Malaysia during his visit to Singapore.His visit to Mahathir was originally arranged for 30 minutes, and then extended to 90 minutes.Wang Yi also met several senior officials of the Malaysian State, including Foreign Minister Saifu Ding, Minister of Economic Affairs Azmin, and Minister of Transport Lu Zhaofu, Lin Guanying and Dain.

Destiny of large Chinese -funded projects

During the visit to China, Mahathir emphasized the Chinese economic cooperation that Malaysia needed.He interviewed at Alibaba Headquarters and Geely Headquarters, indicating that he supports Chinese companies to invest in Malaysia to help Malaysia companies and products in internationalization and overseas expansion.Malaysia and China also signed an agreement to promote the export of Malaysian agricultural products such as frozen durian, rubber, palm oil and palm oil biofuels.Mahathir's economic cooperation focuses on creating employment, innovation, and export promotion, which is very similar to his economic relations with China's term in office.

In the first few days of the five -day trip, Mahathir did not publicize China's fate in Malaysia's large -scale projects.On the fourth day, he mentioned these projects at a joint press conference with Li Keqiang: "We also hope to let China understand the problems facing Malaysia today. I believe that China will sympathize with these problems. Maybe it can help us.Solve some financial problems. "

When Li Keqiang mentioned to support free trade, Mahathir carefully said that "fair trade" is the same as that of free tradeMahathir visited China to pave the way. From July to August, Wang Yi went to Malaysia to visit Malaysia during his visit to Singapore.His visit to Mahathir was originally arranged for 30 minutes, and then extended to 90 minutes.Wang Yi also met several senior officials of the Malaysian State, including Foreign Minister Saifu Ding, Minister of Economic Affairs Azmin, and Minister of Transport Lu Zhaofu, Lin Guanying and Dain.

Destiny of large Chinese -funded projects

During the visit to China, Mahathir emphasized the Chinese economic cooperation that Malaysia needed.He interviewed at Alibaba Headquarters and Geely Headquarters, indicating that he supports Chinese companies to invest in Malaysia to help Malaysia companies and products in internationalization and overseas expansion.Malaysia and China also signed an agreement to promote the export of Malaysian agricultural products such as frozen durian, rubber, palm oil and palm oil biofuels.Mahathir's economic cooperation focuses on creating employment, innovation, and export promotion, which is very similar to his economic relations with China's term in office.

In the first few days of the five -day trip, Mahathir did not publicize China's fate in Malaysia's large -scale projects.On the fourth day, he mentioned these projects at a joint press conference with Li Keqiang: "We also hope to let China understand the problems facing Malaysia today. I believe that China will sympathize with these problems. Maybe it can help us.Solve some financial problems. "

When Li Keqiang mentioned to support free trade, Mahathir carefully said that "fair trade" is as important as free trade.He said that in view of the different levels of development of various countries, "we do not want to have the situation of new colonialism" because the poor country cannot compete with a wealthy city.This vague criticism may be harsh in the host, but China occasionally dissatisfied with the insults of foreign or colonial powers in the 19th century.

On the last day of Mahathir's visit to China, Mahathir said that the Malaysian East Coast Railway Plan and the two pipeline projects "will not continue" and "will be postponed when we can afford and reduce loan costs."He said he had explained to the three Chinese leaders why he did this and said that they "understand our question, and they understand why we must cancel".

In contrast, China avoids officially mentioning the stagnant Chinese projects, and emphasizes that the relationship between China and Malaysia must be viewed from a strategic and longer historical perspective.China also emphasized the various relations between the two countries, and pointed out that Malaysia was one of the earliest countries that supported the Belt and Road Initiative.

For example, the emphasis on the relationship between the Malaysian government and Mahathir, and Mahathir has regarded China many times as development opportunities and support for the BeltMahathir was grateful.Mahathir also told Chinese leaders that Malaysia has not changed its friendly policy on China. Welcome Chinese companies to invest in Malaysia to deepen cooperation and bring more benefits to the people of the two countries.

The joint bulletin issued by Malaysia said that the bilateral relations between the two countries will adopt "strategic and long -term vision" and emphasize that Malaysia is in several areas of bilateral and regional cooperation.The communiqué pointed out that Malaysia will continue to "actively participate in the" Belt and Road Initiative, and through the Belt and Road Initiative "to accelerate the implementation of the" "Memorandum of Understanding of Common Economic Development" and "discuss the relevant outlines of the formulation of cooperation plans".The latter sentence seems to imply a large project in Malaysia in Malaysia.

In addition, Lu Kang, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said that there are problems or different views between cooperation between the two countries or different views; this remark also seems to imply Chinese projects that stagnate.He also said that the two countries should deal with these differences from the perspective of friendly and long -term bilateral relations, and properly resolve them through friendly negotiation.He further stated that this was an important consensus that the two sides reached during Mahathir's visit.

Future direction

China ’s focus seems to be on the right track of China -Malaysia relations.China actively contacted Mahathir before Mahathir's visit to China; during the visit, China emphasized that Mahathir used to contribute to the establishment of bilateral relations and regional cooperation, and hoped that he would continue to contribute to these two development directions.

For China, the correct formulation strategy or the overall situation can establish a framework to locate the details such as the fate of large -scale projects in Malaysia, which helps to solve these problems.In other words, these projects are only one aspects of China -Malaysia's multi -faceted relations, and should not have an impact impact and seriously impact bilateral relations.

It is unclear whether these projects are permanently canceled, and there seems to be a splattered space between the two countries.Mahathir said on the last day of his visit to China that his work was to "formulate principles" for the project in Malaysia, and the details were left to officials to negotiate.According to reports, the Malaysian government has received a quotation from China and Malaysia companies to open the East Coast Railway Program as low as RM10 billion."of.This seems to mean that large Chinese -funded projects have not been completely died.

In view of the confusing signals from Putram, China has adopted a strategic position, rather than an excessive reaction. It seems correct.In addition, Chinese leaders like Chinese leaders and Li Keqiang admit that Mahathir is a senior politician, which is in line with Chinese traditions and practices mdash; mdash; even if he does not agree with him, he should not have a senior politics in public places in public places.Homes have contradictions or disputes.China is an important partner regarding Malaysia, because it is the first Asianan country to establish diplomatic relations with China.China is keen to cooperate with Mahathir to further strengthen regional cooperation and autonomy.

The author is a senior researcher at the Esto East South Asian Research Institute in Singapore, former deputy director of the East Asia Institute of the National University of Singapore, and a former diplomat at Singapore

Originally carried the Erv's East South Asian Research Institute on September 7th, the ISEAS Perspective

Wu Hanjun Festival Translation