Lus: "Fear" outlines Trump's image of no sympathy and lying.The author of "mental abnormality" claims that Trump's mental state is severe compared to ten years ago.

If the American people are shocked by the hypocritical, narcissistic and ignorant deeds of Donald Trump, it is not enough to stop them from choosing him.Before Trump became a nominated candidate for Republican, we knew who he was.Since he was elected as the president, we have more understanding of him.Every time the new material is released, MDASH; MDASH; the most sensational is the "Fire and Fury" of Michael Wolff (Michael Wolff "earlier this year. Mdash; mdash;; Our anger is a little bit reduced than the previous time.

We are numb.Trump is not suitable for being president, but obviously anyone is helpless.

Bob Bull; Bob Woodward's time to publish a book: His book is full of fierce materials, but now that these fierce materials have not shocked.Woodword's advantage is its personal brand.After investigating reporters and colleagues Carl Bernstein, a investigation reporter and colleague Carl Bernstein, who revealed the Watergate incident, he wrote a lot of books.Some of these works, such as "State of Denial: Bush at War", etc., which enriches our views on the post of president.

Other works, such as the "master" (Maestro "by Alan Greenspan, who praise Allen;Woodword's other advantage is his strategy.He was able to persuade insiders to accept his interview because of the following fear: fearing that other insiders would describe things in front of Woodward to be bad for them.This is a test and inspection strategy.Those who refuse to cooperate with Woodward are often described even more.

As far as "Fear" is concerned, it is well known that Trump himself did not talk to the author, although Trump claimed that he had wanted to do so.In almost every anecdotes that Woodward described, the president was not good.Russia is investigating the special prosecutor Robert Bull, which is suspected of intervention in the US election; the same is true of Robert Mueller.In contrast, the president's former private lawyer John Bull; John Dowd was described as a witty person, good at dealing between Trump and Muller."Fear" quotes Dodd more than other characters.

Guess who talked with Woodword for many hours?Other people who seem to actively cooperate with Woodword include: Trump's former chief strategist, "Alt-Right" leader Steve Bannon (Alt-Right "leader who claims to be Leninist; Steve Bannon), The first chief of staff of Trump, the chief of staff, Renis; Reince Priebus, and Trump's former chief economic adviser, Gary Cohn.Each of them is described as old -fashioned, expressing clearly, and sometimes even in principle.

The poor image in the book is the Ivanka Bull; Ivanka Trump.Bannon complained that Ivanka entered and exit in OVAL Office, saying that she was "like (omitted a nap) staff".Ivanka retorted: "I am not a staff member. I will never be a staff member. I am the first daughter!" This sentence can be used as her epitaph.It can be inferred that she had not talked to Woodword with her husband Jarid Bull; Jared Kushner.

Woodword's own evaluation (this is one of the few evaluations that are not borrowed by others in the book): "They are like a group of speculators, staying and observing around Trump, as their families and senior consultants and senior consultantsPresident interaction. "

Another person who has not talked to Woodward is Trump's unlucky judicial minister Jeff Bull; Jeff Sessions.He was humiliated.In a exchange, Bannon said that Trump won the election must be God's will, and he persuaded Sesses not to resign."We know, if it wasn't for God, it might happen at all." Bannon said.Sessions agreed not to resign.

The next page talks about Trump's "mentally retarded" and "stupid southern guy".If Sedis and Woodward have talked, the latter may be lighter.

Even so, "fear" does enrich our views on Trump, even if it has not changed our views.Such a large number of anecdotes outline that Trump has no compassion and lying image.Those who have worked closely with Trump, including Dude, and his second chief of staff John Bull; John Kelly and Bannon, all said he was a "professional scammer", (omitted here "(here is omitted hereSwear words) scammers "," (omitted swear words here) idiots ", in charge of" Madman Town ".He enjoyed the feeling of being the president, but he didn't have much interest in the real governing work.

The former White House Secretary of the White House Bull, who was accused of his two ex -wives who had been accused of violence; Rob Porter seemed to talk to Woodward a lot (his image in the book), Porter designedA set of Joy Trump solutions.He drafted two to ten "decision memo" to the president every day.These memo will not exceed one page.Trump will then sign these memo with his black magic signs."Trump likes to sign." Woodward wrote, "This means he is working."

Woodword refreshed our understanding of how narcissist Trump has, which is a great achievement.The assistants did their best to control the President's tweet.These tweets are usually issued from the "Witcher Time" from 3 am to 8 am, which are issued from the "Devil Workshop" (Trump's bedroom).But Trump refused to be managed."This is me." When they suggested to set up a committee, drafted tweets without spelling errors for him for approval, and when the "civilization" period of the day was sent, Trump said.

"This is why I was elected." Trump watched TV 6 to 8 hours every day.The only thing he wanted to read was the tweet he asked for printing, and these tweets were liked to like more than 200,000 times.When Twitter doubled the number of words in the tweet, Trump said: "I used to be the 140-word Onest Bull; Ernest Hemingway." During Mar-A-Lago,The assistants would urge Trump to spend more time with his 11 -year -old son Barron as a way to prevent him from pushing.

In contrast to Woodward, Omarus Bull; Mano Bull;She was a star in Trump's TV reality show "The Apprentice", and she was also a beautiful queen who had been married three times.This person is by no means a neutral observer.

Newman helped Trump take care of African -American outflow work, and later served as senior assistant MDASH in the White House; mdash; she wrote that she was the only black man mdash in the White House in the White House that was "brushed than the fence";; Newman wants to get revenge now.

She believes that Trump's recording of the "apprentices" in those years is still there. In the recording, Trump used the term "black guy (Negro, insulting to black).I'm not sure if these recording exposure is a good thing.If they are exposed but there are no consequences?In any case, Newman has an advantage than Woodward: she knows Trump very well.

They met in the reality show "apprentice".Newman was born in the former Steel City and Ohio in Ohio, and his family is very bad.Her father and brother died of murder.Her willpower is so powerful.After passing the "apprentice" audition, Newman quickly understood that the way to play a bad guy was played.She is a reality showIn contrast to Woodward, Omarus Bull; Mano Bull;She was a star in Trump's TV reality show "The Apprentice", and she was also a beautiful queen who had been married three times.This person is by no means a neutral observer.

Newman helped Trump take care of African -American outflow work, and later served as senior assistant MDASH in the White House; mdash; she wrote that she was the only black man mdash in the White House in the White House that was "brushed than the fence";; Newman wants to get revenge now.

She believes that Trump's recording of the "apprentices" in those years is still there. In the recording, Trump used the term "black guy (Negro, insulting to black).I'm not sure if these recording exposure is a good thing.If they are exposed but there are no consequences?In any case, Newman has an advantage than Woodward: she knows Trump very well.

They met in the reality show "apprentice".Newman was born in the former Steel City and Ohio in Ohio, and his family is very bad.Her father and brother died of murder.Her willpower is so powerful.After passing the "apprentice" audition, Newman quickly understood that the way to play a bad guy was played.She is the "Heel" in the reality show, which is very similar to bad guys in World Wrestling Entertainment.

Trump likes this.Her "15 minutes (fame) was extended to many years" and sent her into the White House."I hit the Grand luck in the" apprentice "," she wrote, "I and Trump are both. We and the bond between us and the bond between each other were established at that time."

She believes that Trump's mental situation is severely declined.In the first season of the "apprentice", he paid attention to his sharp power, fast heart arithmetic speed, large vocabulary, stable hands and stable emotions.But when he stepped into the White House more than 10 years, he could hardly read ("barely counting literacy") and was almost unknown.

She even used the word "Alzheimer's Alzheimer"."Alzheimer's dementia," she wrote, "I can't remember anything, confused, vocabulary reduction, absorbing processing information, and the ability to absorb processing information.hellip; "

How significance does this non -professional diagnosis have been put aside, and Newman's book reveals a lot of things.In the book, she described how she tried to make Trump's contact with black voters during the 2016 presidential election, and these descriptions were precious.At the event of a black church in Detroit, Trump told Newman: "You can't let me stay with these people." He panicked in his eyes when he said this.She advised him to dance with music

Essence"He began to sway weirdly," she wrote, "I wanted to tell him at the time, lsquo; Okay, don't do it, rsquo;" When they left the church, Trump picked up a baby.The baby began to scream.Newman said: "I also wanted to scream at the time.

"Trump once rejected his favorite President Andrew Bull on the $ 20 banknote; and Andrew Jackson to replace the slave -slaveist leader Harriate Bull; Harriet Tubman.He glanced at her photo and asked, "Do you want to print this face on 20 yuan banknotes?"

US Vice President Mike Bull; Mike Pence (his worship of Trump is called "Stepford Veep" (Stepford Veep, Stepford means that he is a robot, Veep is Vice President's Vice PresidentAbbreviation, mdash; mdash; translator's note).Newman's description of Pence is particularly merciless.She describes how Pence stares at Trump: "If someone looks at you like this, you will feel uneasy and consider applying for a restriction order.

"Steve Bull; Bannon's image in the book is also very bad. He told Newman that his very far -right point of view is no different from her pride in her identity." Just like you are a African -American woman.Similarly, I am also a whitening man. "He told Newman," How is my pride and your pride?"

My favorite part is the thoughts she wrote about Trump's initial ritual of president: Trump hopes to follow the "The Art of the DEAL" (best -selling book for Trump to find a replacement))Oath, instead of pressing the Bible.He also hopes to turn the inauguration ceremony into a payment browse, so that he can make money.Newman said that she and others persuaded him not to do so.

Newman's self -promotional ability is no less than Trump.But she didn't pretend that this was not.She worshiped the most powerful teacher.

"Fear: Trump in the White House", author: Bob Bull; Woodward, published by Simon Schuster Press, it is recommended to retail price of 30 US dollars per pound, 362 pages

"Unhaping: an insider account of the Trump White House" (unham: an insider account of the Trump White House ", the author: Nagon Schuster publishes, the proposed retail price is 28 US dollars./£ 20, a total of 334 pages

Translator/He Li