China has threatened to impose tariffs on US $ 60 billion in US goods to counterattack the latest U.S. tariff threat.The analysis pointed out that although the amount of goods that lock in tax increases in China is lower than the United States, it does not mean that Beijing is weak. The tariff war you come and go.

US President Trump instructed the trade representative Robert Lighthizer on the 1st to consider increasing the tariff rate of US $ 200 billion in Chinese goods from 10%to 25%.The Chinese Ministry of Commerce announced on the 3rd that it will impose tariffs ranging from 5207 tax items and about $ 60 billion in US goods.

The New York Times reported that in recent months, the US -China trade disputes have continued to heat up, and the tariff sword refers to each other's products. However, due to the interlocking of the global economy, the world's two major economies have set off a trade war, and other areas such as Europe have been unable to settle.

The United States and China imposed a 25%tariff on each US $ 34 billion of goods, and the other $ 16 billion of goods also faced the same tax rate tariff.In addition to increasing the tariff rate of US $ 200 billion in Chinese goods, Trump also spoke tariffs on all goods in China.

China has threatened to impose tariffs on US $ 60 billion in US goods, which is the first time that it is lower than the United States in the threat of tariffs this year.Tu Xinquan, the dean of the China World Trade Organization (WTO) Research of the University of Foreign Economic and Trade, pointed out that China ’s export amount is much higher. After Trump threatened to impose tariffs on 2/5 China’ s U.S. imports, China ’s tariffs also locked contracts.The goods imported from the United States are more in line with the principle of proportion.

According to US statistics, China exported $ 505.6 billion in goods to the United States in 2017, with a total import value of US $ 130.4 billion.

Because China's purchase of US goods is much lower, Beijing cannot compare the amount of tariff threats to Washington, but Chinese officials have hinted in recent weeks that if the United States insists on imposing tariffs on a large number of Chinese goods, Beijing may take the business of large American businessmen in China in China.Survey.

On the one hand, China threatens to impose tariffs on more US goods, and on the other hand, it has further depreciated the RMB in the foreign exchange market.Since mid -April, the RMB against the US dollar has derogated nearly 9%, making Chinese goods more competitive in overseas markets.The Chinese government consultants and analysts insisted that Beijing did not deliberately dismiss the RMB in order to obtain the trade advantage. Instead, the anxiety caused by the slowdown in China's economic growth and huge debt, and the market forces were weakened.

The report pointed out that the Trump administration considers increasing the tariff rate from 10%to 25%, which will be an additional weapon against the further depreciation of the RMB.

The Wall Street Journal reports that even if China has counterattack, some of the staff of Trump still hopes that the United States and China can restart negotiations in order to resolve the global market turbulent trade disputes before the two governments threatened the tariffs into action.

The White House chief economic adviser Larry Kudlow told the media today that the US -China trade negotiations have been suspended, and "but I can report to you that the highest levels of the two sides have communicated in recent days, the first time for a while. Anandrdquo;

According to reports, Steven Mnuchin, US Financial Minister, and Liu He, the Vice Premier of the State Council, continued to communicate with possible talks, but still in preliminary consultations.Kodlo did not explain whether the relevant communication refers to the talks arrangements, or other officials of the US -China government were in contact.

ESWAR PRASAD, an economist at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Chinese affairs, said that the Trump administration seems to think that China has entered the United States as the only feasible ending, but China's political law is not regarded by the lawFor the weak, not bowing to the United States, so the results that the United States wants to happen is unlikely to happen.