On the 20th, US President Trump continuously released Twitter, praising him with Russian President Putin‘s first summit “ successful “ and looking forward to continuing to promote cooperation between the two sides when he returned to the United States this autumn.However, objectively speaking, the US -Russian summit 4 days ago was Trump‘s diplomatic Waterloo. Not only did he not solve any substantial problems, it brought catastrophic losses to his reputation.After Trump returned to China, he reluctantly retracted the foreword, showing that its “ Putin View and RDQUO; and “ Russian View and RDQUO; Music and Widow, facing the strong opposition and resistance of domestic and European camps, also showed that restarting the restart in the short term, the United States, Russia, Europe, EuropeRussian relations and bidding farewell to the New Cold War are not easy.

Trump met with Putin by the unfavorable situation of “ in the domestic and European “ two ends.European dissatisfaction comes from Trump‘s rudeness and double standards for European partners. On the eve of the NATO Summit on the 12th, he continued to attack European partners to enjoy the protection of the United States but was unwilling to pay more for military expenses.The military expenses established by the last Wales Summit accounted for 2%of GDP, but European partners virtually resisted this.

In order to persecute and intimidate European partners, Trump did not hesitate to take Germany and accuse Germany of buying Russia‘s oil and natural gas, and raised the white flag “ “ and so on.What‘s more unexpected is that Trump actually degraded Europe on the eve of Putin as the biggest enemy “ caused a number of European leaders to counterattack. They angrily called Trump “ spread fake news “ “Sub -“ “ recognize the enemy as a friend “.

Trump‘s backyard does not make people worry -free.The Federal Court sued 12 Russian intelligence officials on the 12th and accused them of interfered in the US internal affairs, manipulating elections and creating Democratic candidates Hillary during the 2016 U.S. election.This weightlifting Trump was suspected of “ Tong Russia “When Trump praised the successful success of the Russian World Cup, Hillary issued Twitter to ask him “ which team is playing for the team “?

Trump‘s talks with Putin are very wide and have not avoided sensitive topics such as the Ukrainian crisis and the US elections.The talks that failed to make breakthroughs were not surprising. What annoyed the public opinion in the United States was that Trump and Putin sang and denied Russia‘s interference in the US election, and accused the US internal anti -Russian forces “Trump even blamed US -Russian relations on “ American stupid “.

Trump‘s rhetoric of the strategic opponent, but did not trust and respect the judgment of the American intelligence agency, his “Former Central Love Bureau Director Brunnan publicly condemned Trump‘s related remarks as “ rebels “ Republican big man McCain said “ No president performed more humblely “The press conference is the worst mistake in Trump; Trump‘s most serious mistakes “ Senate Democratic Party leader Shumo, said that “ I have never seen the US President who supports a opponent like Putin supported Putin “Romani summarizes Trump‘s performance with “shame“ with “ shameful eyes “The American media is even more merciless. CNN claims that Trown is suffering from “ Neuroma syndrome “ CBS says he and Putin “ like allies “ the Associated Press described him “ weird “ “ shame “ “ shame “ and hellip; and hellip;

After Trump returned to China, he was forced to read a statement to overthrow the previous position of defending Russia, saying that he accepted Russia to interfere with the US election, but he also denied the manuscript and continued to defend Russia, claiming to interfere with the election “ it may also be someone else‘s officeFor “.This moment reverses the skepticism of the mainstream American public opinion on Trump “ Tong Russia “ use the Senate Democratic leader Shu Mo‘s words, “ The only possible explanation of this danger is that Putin may grasp Trump about Trump.Black material.“

Trump‘s “ Putin View “ and “ Russian view “ obviously counter -tradition and run counter to the mainstream of the United States.Trump, which pursues unilateralism and isolation and advocates the preferred interests of the United States, rarely examines the world structure and the relationship between the great power from the perspective of values and ideology.He always appreciated Putin‘s courage, decisiveness, and horizontal sword, and even thought that Russia and swallowed Crimea.The mainstream public opinion in the United States has always accused Putin of engaging in dictatorship and rejection of dissidents, attacking Russia‘s opposite and democratic politics, threatening Central and Eastern European countries, dismissed Ukraine, and challenged the US -led international order.Most party leader McConnell said “ Russians are not our friends and hellip; and hellip; “ The Speaker of the House of Representatives also believes that and ldquo must recognize that Russia is not our allies. Russia has always hostile to our most basic values.And ideas.“

Europe is also disappointed and shocked by Trump “ obsessed “ Putin, alienated traditional allies, and enthusiasm with Russia. He believes that Trump has been wrong with his enemy friends, saying that all this is ““ Because the United States always stands with Europe in history, no one can exactly expect the United States to defend Europe at the time of crisis.There are even more pessimistic comments that “ Western “ no longer exist as the United States and the European Union.

Of course, these concerns should be too worried.With the power of Trump alone, it is impossible to change the post -war order, the US and European world views, and the right and wrong views, and it is also unable to reverse the cold US -Russian, European and Russian relations. MoreoverTogether with the traditional elite forces to avoid more isolated.But it is certain that the new cold war between the United States and Europe and Russia in the short term cannot really be relieved.