The international situation is becoming more and more confusing, trade disputes between the United States and major economies, and the NATO summit continues. Trump and Putin meet in Finland and hellip; and hellip;This disappears.

The Sino -US trade war is facing the risk of comprehensive upgrading, and the United States and Europe have continued in many fields.In this stall, the European Council Chairman Tusk and the Chairman of the European Commission Rongcc came to China together to participate in the 20th Chinese EU leaders held in Beijing on the 16th.

Foreign media who have studied conspiracy theory can capture a big news and mdash; and mdash; China is to fight against the United States?

In the seams and nbsp; and nbsp; let ’s take a look at the status quo of US -Europe relations.

At present, the United States is doing against the European Union on issues such as economy and trade, security, and global governance, and the expectations of the EU residue have gradually disappeared.But the poor EU cannot tear up their skin completely with the United States, and they can only move on their mouths.The United States withdraws from the Iranian nuclear agreement and sanctions related European companies. Some European companies (such as French Daltar) immediately raised Baiqi to the United States, which shows that Europe is still subject to the United States.

However, the European Union also dreams of becoming an influential international behavior. Therefore, the current EU is to survive in the gaps and strive to expand its strategic space.EU President Junke pointed out when he came to power in 2014 that the European Union no longer seemed to expand, but in March of this year, Juncker said that the Sibergan State should have a place in the European Union.

It should be noted that the EU is the most complete regional trade organization in the world. In 2017, the total export of EU exports was 522.6 trillion euros, of which 3347 trillion euros were internal trade of the European Union.In addition, the European Union has established a huge regional free trade agreement network, and cooperates with partners of continents through the free trade agreement to supplement the EU‘s economic and trade activities under the WTO multilateral framework.EU trade policies have been rolled out, and more and more bilateral and regional trade negotiations have been carried out.

However, although the European Union has been working hard to master the right to speak and leadership in the formulation of international trade rules, Trump‘s “ the United States First Strategy and RDQUO; Breaking the EU‘s “The rules‘ efforts are shattered.

Looking east and nbsp; and nbsp; what should I do?

The choice of the European Union is to turn to the East and Asia because there are 2.225 billion people in East and Southeast Asia.The joint statement issued by the China -EU leadership meeting this time, the three sides of China, the United States and Europe are tilting to China and Europe.The China -Europe leaders met with the roadmap of economic and trade cooperation and worked hard to find a solution for previous differences.

Compared with the joint statement of the 17th meeting, the 20th joint statement pointed out that the negotiation of the China -Europe Investment Agreement is the best priority of China and Europe, which is conducive to promoting trade and investment liberalization, facilitation, and opposition to unilateralism.Protectionism; the negotiations between the Geographical Logo Agreement of the Sino -European and European Geographical Logo will make substantial progress within the year; the establishment of the Deputy Minister -level joint working group of the WTO reform of the WTO; China -Europe will transform the circular economy as the focus of cooperation;Together with the three pillars of the political, economic, and social and culture of the Asia -Europe Conference.

The way of China Europe

From the current point of view, China still needs to use the EU.Especially in the face of the economic and trade war from the United States, both China and the European Union have expressed a firm maintenance of free trade rules and a multilateral trading system, and advancing the consensus of the WTO with the times.China is the largest exporter of global cargo trade. China is the largest imported partner and the second largest trade export target of the European Union. The EU is the largest trader in the world, accounting for 16.5%of the world‘s total import and export.The volume must be a good foundation for cooperation.

But will it be a foreign media that Lianzhong resist the United States, or the Chinese United European resistance to the United States?It may not be so easy.

Europe does not depend on the United States, but this does not mean that Europe is closer to China.Europe‘s current strategy is, each breakthrough.The European Union has been fully deployed around China. For example, in December 2015, the European Union and South Korea‘s free trade agreements have taken effect. The EU, India, Vietnam, ASEAN and other China and regions of China and regions are also in the process of negotiations.

On the 17th, the European Union also signed an economic partnership agreement with Japan, becoming the world‘s largest trade and trade agreement. The EU canceled 99%of Japan‘s imported goods tariffs and Japan canceled 94%of EU imports of tariffs.This move was also interpreted by the outside world as the European Union and Japan to fight against the United States.

For China, the relationship with the EU cannot reach the level of Europe and Japan.The intensity of China -Europe cooperation has the factors of the cognitive changes in the concept of China and the European European concept and the changes in the internal situation in Europe. It is also closely related to the changes in the US policy and the changes in the international situation.In addition, it should be noted that there are many differences between the political system, development stage, the cognition of both parties, and the consideration of both parties.China‘s layout in the European Union.

Although the approaching of the two parties in China, the United States and Europe will make the third party nervous, the idea of “ Lian A Anti -B and RDQUO; is only theoretically perfect.China must realize that the commonality of the United States and Europe is greater than the commonality of Central Europe. The reversal of the United States‘ attitude towards the European Union is likely to make the EU return to the United States.This is the fundamental reasons that we say that it is cautious and optimistic about “ cautious and optimistic “