The Chinese Ambassador to the UK Liu Xiaoming yesterday (8th) in the Paper Edition and online version of the "Sunday Telegraph" in the UK. At the same time, he published a signature article entitled & ldquo; the trade war reflects the dispute between China and the United States & lsquo;

According to the China News Agency today (9th), Liu Xiaoming pointed out in the article that the United States recently regarded the principles that the United States had reached the principles of many arduous negotiations in China and the United States, and insisted on provoking & ldquo again.& ldquo; Trade war & rdquo; Yin Cloud also shrouded the Americas, Europe, Asia, and Africa, which brings severe challenges to the world economic order and multilateral trading system.

Liu Xiaoming believes that the Sino -US trade dispute is the surface of trade, but it essentially reflects the & ldquo; three views of China and the United States & rdquo;

First, there are two types of worldview disputes.The United States waved around & ldquo; Tariff Sticks & RDQUO; and imposed import tariffs on steel and aluminum products of traditional allies such as the European Union, Canada, Japan, and required African countries such as Rwanda and Uganda to cancel the import of second -hand clothing in the United States.

Liu Xiaoming said that the above approach reflects the world outlook of & ldquo; the United States priority & rdquo;For the United States, regardless of allies or other countries, as long as they move the United States & ldquo; cheese & rdquo;

In sharp contrast, China takes mutual respect, fairness, justice, and win -win cooperation.Development and promote the establishment of a new type of international relations and the community of human fate.

The second is the dispute between the two cooperation concepts.The United States pursues unilateralism and protectionism. It upholds the & ldquo; zero -sum game & rdquo; & ldquo; old thinking with neighbors & rdquo;, has aroused widespread questioning and opposition in the international community.

China follows the ancient training of & ldquo; strong and lonely & rdquo; advocates an open view of openness, integration, mutual benefit, and win -win cooperation.contribute.

Liu Xiaoming pointed out that at present, more and more countries have announced or implemented countermeasures to trade against the United States, and resolutely fight back unilateralism and protectionism.retreat.

The third is the dispute between the two development concepts.Over the years, the United States has been the leader of the world economy, military and scientific and technological fields.The United States is developing and other countries are developing.In the era of globalization, the destiny of countries around the world is connected and rest.

Liu Xiaoming believes that in this situation, the United States must maintain its own development advantages.Taoist help & rdquo;, will eventually damage itself.

The United States imposed tariffs on Chinese products on the grounds that China threatened the security of the US economy.Liu Xiaoming said that this is completely nonsense and also reflects the narrow development view of the United States & ldquo; you lose me to win & rdquo;

He pointed out that China has always advocated the development concept of innovation, coordination, green, openness, and sharing, so as to solve development problems, enhance development momentum, and achieve economic and social coordinated progress in various countries.It is hoped that the United States can recognize the general trend, abandon old thinking, and jointly take a new way to promote development with cooperation and win -win prosperity with win -win situations.

On the other hand, Liu Xiaoming said that & ldquo; Ming people changed due to the time, and the wise man accompanied & rdquo;.Sino -British are both promoters and beneficiaries of globalization and victims of unilateralism and protectionism.

Under the current situation, China and the United Kingdom should have a good job with the international community, firmly oppose unilateralism and protectionism, resolutely maintain the world economic order and multilateral trading system, resolutely defend the common interests of human beings, and jointly promote the global economic prosperity and stability.

According to reports, since April this year, Liu Xiaoming has published four articles on mainstream British media on the Sino -US trade disputes, expounding the Chinese position from different perspectives, calling on all parties to support free trade and opposing protectionism.

"The Sunday Telegraph" was founded in 1961. It is the mainstream newspaper in the UK and has the largest issuance in the large newspaper published on Sunday.Readers are mainly people in the British government, parliament, industry and commerce, education, journalism, cultural circles, think tanks and other people.