China Early & mdash; & mdash; Ji Yan Chunqiu

Yu Zeyuan

The Sino -US trade war just launched on July 6, and the two American Aegis missile destroyers passed the Taiwan Strait on July 7.This was after a U.S. destroyer tracked the Chinese Liaoning ship into the Taiwan Strait in July last year, the US warships entered this sensitive waters again.

Also on July 7, Pompeo, the US Secretary of State, who had visited the DPRK, announced that he had held & ldquo; effective & rdquo; talks, and was officially & ldquo;According to a statement issued by the North Korean Society, Pompeo's trusted trust between the North Korea and the United States not only did not consolidate this visit, but instead made the original determined party's will not be in a dangerous situation that may be shaken, & ldquo; the United States seems to read me mistakenFang's goodwill and patience.& rdquo;

Chinese officials did not comment on the results of Pompeo's visit to the DPRK, but to say that the US destroyer's entry into the Taiwan Strait and North Korea suddenly accused the United States of trade with the Sino -US trade war. I am afraid no one believes.

Since the United States and Taiwan broke diplomatic relations in 1979 and established diplomatic relations with mainland China, unless there is a tension between the Taiwan Strait or the changes in Sino -US relations, the United States has rarely allows warships to enter the Taiwan Strait.

In 1995, in mainland China, he protested that the then President of Taiwan, Lee Teng -hui, visited the United States and carried out missile launch and military exercises in the Taiwan Strait. The American & ldquo; Nimitz & RDQUO; the aircraft carrier passed the Taiwan Strait on December 19 of that year.Before and after the Taiwan election in March 1996, the PLA launched missile launch and military exercises in the Taiwan Strait. The United States sent & ldquo; independent & rdquo; & ldquo; Nimitz & rdquo; two aircraft carrier battle groups arrived in the eastern waters of Taiwan.In November 2007, the U.S. military & ldquo; Little Eagle & RDQUO; Aircraft carrier asked for visiting Hong Kong to be rejected, and deliberately traveled through the Taiwan Strait to demonstrate China.This is also the last time the US aircraft carrier entered the Taiwan Strait.

Although the Taiwan Strait belongs to the international navigation waters, ships can be passed harmlessly, but in view of the sensitive status of Taiwan issues in Sino -US relations, whether U.S. warships have entered the Taiwan Strait has long become a means of wrestling in the United States and China.A barometer.

As soon as the Sino -US trade war began, the two US warships passed the Taiwan Strait, and they were selected on July 7, a commemorative day for the Chinese Anti -Japanese War.Although China did not associate this matter with the Sino -US trade war, the Global Times quoted netizens on the same day: & ldquo; Don't forget what the day it is today & rdquo;.

North Korea accused Pompeo's statement the day before yesterday that it was interpreted by Chinese public opinion as & ldquo; face & rdquo; the United States.The official background of WeChat public account & ldquo; Niu played piano & rdquo; published an article yesterday, emphasizing that the DPRK statement was not only a heavy blow to Pompeo, but also hit Trump a fierce face.& rdquo; & ldquo; This is a big chess.Needless to say, you know.At the critical moment, Mr. Trump's new trouble comes, what should he do?& rdquo;

Although the article does not know that China is next & ldquo; this big chess & rdquo;, everyone knows that it is just like the Taiwan issue does not have to play with the United States, and it is difficult to leave China to leave China.

In addition, in response to the US withdrawal from the Iran nuclear agreement and reorganizing Iran's sanctions, China, Russia, Britain, France, Germany and Iranian foreign ministers passed a joint statement in Austria on July 6 to reiterate the implementation of the Iranian nuclear issue comprehensive agreement.Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi also called on all parties to maintain unity and continued to implement the Yitu nuclear agreement to oppose any illegal unilateral sanctions.This shows that China will also call the United States on the issue of the Iranian nuclear.

U.S. warships entering the Taiwan Strait and North Korea's sudden resignation of the United States shows that the field of Sino -US wrestling is not limited to economic and trade.If the Sino -US trade war continues to burn, it is not only the two countries and the world economy, but the regional and international political situation will be more complex and changeable.Among them, the hotspots of cross -strait relations, North Korea nuclear issues, and South China Sea are more likely to occur.

In this chaos, a statement issued by the US Trade Representative Office the day before yesterday gave people some comfort.This statement allows American companies that import Chinese products to apply for tariff exemption, which is equivalent to providing some opportunities to exempt tariffs on some Chinese products exported to the United States.In other words, some of the US $ 34 billion of Chinese products that have been imposed by the United States have been exempted by US $ 34 billion in Chinese products.

This is obviously a repair plan proposed by the United States to reduce the loss of trade war.If the amount of Chinese products that are exempted from tariffs are large, China may also exempt tariffs on American products of the same amount, and the trade war will reduce losses to both parties.More importantly, after feeling the pain of the trade war and the major side effects it may bring, China and the United States may resume negotiations as soon as possible to stop bleeding in time.This is not only good for the two countries and the world economy, but also the blessing of regional security and stability.