The Hong Kong Ming Pao issued a social comment and pointed out that the largest trade war in the history of China and the United States, and the United States imposed a 25 % tariff on US $ 34 billion in Chinese goods, and China immediately counterattacked.This time is a war that does not see smoke nitrate, and it is also the first positive conflict since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States. It involves the & ldquo; Chinese model & rdquo; and & ldquo; Western model & rdquo;level.The strategic goal of the United States is to curb the rise of China, and China is determined to achieve national rejuvenation. The Sino -US trade war has begun, marking that the two countries are approaching & ldquo;The government found that it was impossible to suppress China by trade war alone. The US -China confrontation may overflow into other fields.

Fighting without breaking the big pattern to overthrow the trade war, the United States has its own victory

For the past few decades, the Sino -US relations pattern has always been & ldquo; fighting without breaking & rdquo; however, as the United States launched a trade war in China, this pattern has been overturned, and Sino -US relations have ushered in a new era of unstable instability.After the reform and opening up of China, the long -term pursuit of a strategy of moving the light to keep the light and obscure the most favorable conditions for the development of the country. To this end, China has always avoided direct confrontation with the United States. As long as it does not involve core interests, Beijing usually uses & ldquo;deal with.According to reports last month, the Chinese side proposed that they are willing to buy $ 70 billion in US energy and agricultural products, and want to turn dry Ge into jade, but Washington refuses to highlight the strategic intention of Washington, not to narrow the trade deficit, but suppress China's rise.In all aspects, all aspects surpass the United States and shake the US hegemony.

For the Chinese side, the road of hardship national rejuvenation has come to the last way, and it is impossible to compromise. The United States is aggressive. China can only accompany it to the end.Beijing's condemnation of the United States is typical trade bullying. China does not fight the first shot, but it is impossible not to counterattack.Trump threatened to increase, which may eventually cover Chinese goods with a total value of more than 500 billion US dollars.Trump threatened the United States & ldquo; Holding all cards & rdquo; I have confidence to win the trade war, but in the end, it is difficult to predict.

In terms of comprehensive national strength, China and the United States still have a significant distance. Trump is full of ambition. One of the reasons is that China is exported to American goods, which is twice as much as the US transmission of goods.However, China's countermeasures are still very strong.Looking at China's exports, less than 20 % of the US market, Trump also seems to underestimate the dependence of US economic and trade with China.The total export trade in China has increased by more than 10 % in the past 7 years, and American companies have also invested huge investment in China.Taking the US $ 34 billion tax collection list as an example, 20 billion US dollars of products involved in Chinese foreign -funded enterprises. Among them, US capital accounts for a considerable proportion. Washington taxation is to hurt others.Even if China's taxation space is smaller than the United States, China can make the United States call for pain through punishment.

From the perspective of the United States, the trade war against China has been played early and late. It is even more difficult for the United States to win.However, the key to trade victory and defeat, not only depends on who has more ammunition, but also depends on whose ability to endure pain.On the former, the United States may take advantage of the upper hand; in the latter, China is better.China ’s countermeasures, for many American voters, have put tremendous pressure on Chinese government politicians.More importantly, the trade war is not just a matter of whose exports.Washington taxes to China will inevitably crack down on American consumers and manufacturers, and will also stimulate inflation.Americans look at the economy in front of them. The Chinese people look at the long -term national rejuvenation. They are more willing to bear short -term sacrifice, and the ability to endure pain is naturally stronger.China carefully fights this trade war and may not lose to the United States.

& ldquo; Chinese mode & rdquo; The positive contest can not fight against fear overflow

The Sino -US trade war is not only a trade war, but also about & ldquo; Chinese model & rdquo; and world order.At that time, the West supported China to join the WTO. The goal was to see the transformation of China ’s township & ldquo; Western model & rdquo; however, in the past ten years, the Chinese political and economic system found that not only did not become closer to the West, but it formed a unique tree.& ldquo; Chinese mode & rdquo;.The powerful national machine, efficient decision -making process, and the organic combination of market economy and national planning make & ldquo; Chinese model & rdquo; look more competitive.& ldquo; Made in China 2025 & rdquo; caused the United States to jeopardize and suppress it. The reason is that China intends to play again & ldquo; China Model & RDQUO; through policy support, we will achieve the power of the high -tech industry in just 10 years.Unexpectedly in the United States.

& ldquo; Chinese model & rdquo; Emphasize the uniqueness of each country, the development strategy must be based on the national national conditions; in contrast, the liberal economic model advocated by the United States is a more dogmatic & ldquo; universal & rdquo; development strategyThis model emphasizes that open markets and liberalization are the same development, but the actual effect is to extend Western interests.China's rise and & ldquo; Chinese model & rdquo; victory will shake the order of hegemony established in the West for nearly 200 years. This Sino -US trade war is a comparison of & ldquo; Chinese model & rdquo; Western model & rdquo;Because of this, it is difficult for Beijing to expect Western countries to stand in China in the trade war.Recently, foreign minister Wang Yi visited Europe and mentioned that China stood at the forefront of opposition to trade protectionism. & Ldquo; I do not want to fight a cold gun behind him & rdquo.

Many scholars believe that & ldquo; Xiu Xidde trap & rdquo; believe that the rise of emerging powers and challenges the existing power of the existence of a country, and the two sides will inevitably World War I.The Sino -US trade war broke out, marking the confrontation between the two countries. If this battle is limited to the field of economic and trade, of course, it will not bleed, but if the United States & ldquo;To other areas.The Trump Cabinet is led by the eagle, and it advocates toughness to China. Once the US policy has gone to China, it has strengthened foreign military military means, intervening in the East China Sea, South China Sea, and even Taiwan.China and the United States are indeed possible to fall into & ldquo;