L ’Occitane, a luxury beauty product company in France, said on Tuesday that when the acquisition offer has sufficient support, the company's shares will be delisted from the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

According to Agence France -Presse, the company's main shareholder Reinold Geiger launched a total value of 1.7 billion euros in April with the support of the US private equity company Blackstone (24The acquisition offer of 100 million yuan) acquired 28%of the company he had not owned.According to the offer, the company's valuation is about 6 billion euros.

Ge Ge said in a statement: "This transaction will provide our group with the flexibility of making long -term business decisions."

He also said that the company will continue to pursueSpecific brand and regional development strategy.

In addition to brands of the same name, L'Occitane also includes French brand Melvita, South Korea Eborian and British brand Elemis.

Thanks to the optimistic emotions of the booming Chinese consumer market, L'Occitane listed in Hong Kong in 2010 and raised more than $ 700 million (S $ 942 million) in 2010.

L'Occitane's business spreads in 90 countries, and 3,000 stores have been established, of which about 1,300 members are directly owned.

As of the end of March, the company's sales were 1.1 billion euros and net profit was 34 million euros.