(Hong Kong / Washington Reuters) According to data, the Ministry of Commerce of the United States shows that this year through mainland China and Hong Kong transshipment to assist Russia's semiconductor and other restricted goods by Russia, Hong Kong is still global to avoid sanctions.Popular areas.

Reuters Monday (July 22) quoted the US Department of Commerce's unnamed officials that from January to May this year, it was reduced%, The related items transferred through mainland China decreased by 19%.

The list of high -priority items is formulated by the United States, the European Union and the United Kingdom, and Japan, covering advanced components that may be used by Russia, including Microelectronics.

The United States and its allies have accused China of supporting Russia's war in Ukraine, partly due to the parts and equipment required by China exported weapons manufacturers to Russia.The US government also regards Hong Kong and Mainland China as an important global node for military materials such as Russia's procurement semiconductor and drone parts.

Officials from the U.S. Department of Commerce above said that there are reasons to optimisticly believe that "we can slow down some of such trade", but he added that "China is still our number one concern."

The officials further pointed out that there are many reasons for the decrease in illegal trade flow, such as the official law enforcement of the United States and communication with product transfer companies.

The U.S. State Department and the Ministry of Finance have imposed several rounds of sanctions on individuals and institutions allegedly related to the Russian military around the world, including Hong Kong shell companies that have been transsing semiconductors to Russia.

The United States has greatly expanded its sanctions on Russia on June 12, and announced the list of Russian domestic and foreign companies and personal lists participating in semiconductor supply, including many Chinese companies that supply semiconductors, electronic parts and machine tools to Russia,Essence

The Hong Kong Free Council Foundation, headquartered in the United States, is about to release a report, which shows that from August to December 2023, a list of high -priority items worth 750 million US dollars (S $ 1 billion) (1 billion yuan)Delivery through Hong Kong, including high -end chips of Nvidia and VECTRAWAVE in France, as well as low -end chips in Texas instruments and Intel.

The Hong Kong Free Council Foundation said that some of the restricted goods were shipped to sanctioned Russian companies.

Reuters' customs records showed that from August to December last year, after trading in Hong Kong's shipper in mainland China, Taiwan, Turkey, Thailand, Serbia, and the UAE, it will be $ 17.6 million in Nvidia products worth $ 17.6 millionLuck to Russia.

In response, Nvidia responded that the company had stopped selling products to Russia in March 2022 and asked customers to abide by all applicable US laws.