In 2019, the anti -repair storm broke out in 2019, and the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law in mid -2020 has prompted many Hong Kong people to move overseas in the past few years to pursue a free life in their hearts.The British government also announced on July 22, 2020 that British Citizens (Overseas) (BNO) passport visa plans were also allowed to allow Hong Kong people with BNO passports to become British citizens through plans to emphasize "unconditional support for Hong Kong people."

In the blink of an eye, the BNO passport visa is planned to be on Monday (July 22) just the fourth anniversary.According to statistics, there have been more than 200,000 visas have been approved so far, and more than 144,000 Hong Kong people have arrived in the UK.British magazine economists had previously reported on this to discuss the local living conditions of the people of Hong Kong people.

It is reported that most of them have chosen British Hong Kong people to take the Britain as their home for a long time, rather than a short -lived shelter.However, the report also pointed out that it is not easy for Hong Kong people to integrate into the UK. For example, Hong Kong people have not been recognized in some areas of the UK, and only one -third has been engaged in full -time jobs.

In fact, after the British announced in 2020 that the BNO passport holder applied for British power, many Hong Kong people applied for the first time.Big houses, travel around, eat and drink.However, over time, the real test of life has begun to appear, and social platforms have moved over and Hong Kong people to vent various dissatisfaction posts.

Earlier days, some people who moved British Hong Kong issued a complaint on the Internet, saying that the prices in other aspects were more expensive than Hong Kong except the supermarket.There are also Hong Kong people who vomit bitter water on social platforms, saying that they can only be reduced to "second -class citizens" after moving to Britain, and they are discriminated against time and bullying from time to time in their lives.

The Hong Kong media has further disclosed recently. At present, the local students in British universities are far from the tuition fees of international students.Later, you can pay local tuition fees.Unexpectedly, in order to earn more tuition fees, some British schools still ask them to pay international student tuition.

Taking a bachelor's degree in physics from the University of London, the University of London, the local student, the local student tuition is 9250 pounds (S $ 16,000), and the tuition fee for international students will require £ 37,500, which is nearly three times the difference between the two.The huge educational expenditure has made many people who have shifted British Hong Kong people who lack enough budgets.

It is even more worried about the people of the Hong Kong Hong Kong that the British Congress election just ended on July 4th. Starmo led the Labor Party as expected to defeat the Conservative Party led by Sunak.Whether the Labor Party will adjust the policy of Hong Kong after going on power, and the local Hong Kong community has caused heated discussions.

It turned out that the BNO's BNO movement policy was decided by the conservative party government at that time. Many people of the Hong Kong and Hong Kong people also fully supported the Conservative Party, and even regarded the then British Prime Minister Johnson as the Great Ren.In contrast, although the Labor Party has a positive role in the BNO policy in this election, it does not write the content of the content of maintaining this policy like the Conservative Party, which makes some people in the British and Hong Kong people worry aboutThe support is far less than that of the Conservative Party.

In the institutional camp in Hong Kong, it is also analyzed that Britain will still maintain a close alliance with the United States in the context of Sino -US competition and follow the US policy and position on the United States.However, the Labor Party has traditionally emphasized the active contact with China. In addition, taking into account the current economic situation in the UK, the position of China may not be as tough as the Conservative Party, and it will strengthen contact with China, especially the economic exchanges.

The Hong Kong Ming Pao disclosed earlier this month that Chen Maobo, the director of the Hong Kong Financial Secretary, will go to London to attend a dinner held by the Hong Kong Trade Development Bureau in September.The relevant itinerary is arranged before the British election. At present, I don't know if there will be British officials to the meeting. To some extent, it can also be regarded as a test of government relations between Britain and Hong Kong.Some people in the British business community in Hong Kong said that although international and business relations are complicated, newcomers have always provided new opportunities to make Sino -British relations have a new beginning.

But the Hong Kong people who have also moved the British Labor Party have remained optimistic about the Hong Kong policy of the British Labor Party, because the Labor government has successively appointed a new group of officials after the Labor government came to power.The second government officials of the Federation of Federation and the Ministry of Development are expected to be responsible for Asian affairs.Wei Qianting is one of the "Hong Kong Supervision" sponsor described by Beijing as an anti -China organization. The appointment of her will help Britain's continuation of Hong Kong policy.

In any case, it is an indisputable fact that overseas enthusiasm for Hong Kong issues has gradually cooled.Taking Taiwan as an example, since the anti -repair example of Hong Kong in 2019, Taiwan has become a popular place for many Hong Kong immigrants. The number of Hong Kong people who moved to Taiwan in the past few years has increased by multiple.many.

People in Taiwan and Hong Kong criticize the DPP "crossing the bridge", but for the DPP government, it values ​​its own interests more.The official is unwilling to open up a large number of Hong Kong people to settle in Taiwan. In addition to security doubts, it is also related to the movement of Hong Kong people to Taiwan.For example, a few months ago, a so -called Hong Kong pastor Jiang Jiawei, who claimed to be on the front line during the anti -repair example, was revealed that it was originally a fake pastor, and a dispute with people in the Taipei Bar had affected the perception of Hong Kong people.

As for the United States, in recent years, it has not launched policies to support Hong Kong people.With the increasing probability of Trump's "return to the DPRK", many overseas Hong Kong people are worried that he advocates U.S. priority policies and will use Hong Kong as a bargaining chip in the future to sacrifice the interests of Hong Kong people.

Many Hong Kong people are not optimistic about the prospects of Hong Kong after the reflection of the anti -repair example. In the past few years, they chose to leave the country to carry out immigration. This decision is good or bad. It is difficult to judge, but they seem to have high expectations for foreign countries.Many countries have both conflicts and cooperation, and they will abandon Hong Kong at any time because of their own interests.And some overseas Hong Kong people's fantasies will use external forces to provoke Beijing, and I am afraid that they will lose money.