Zheng Jiaru, chairman of the new Hong Kong Journalist Association, was fired by the employer's Wall Street Journal. In Hong Kong, the company's union initiated a joint department, calling on the Wall Street Journal to reinstate Zheng Jiaru, and provided a complete explanation on the management of the management firing her decision.

Zheng Jiaru issued a statement on the social media platform X (formerly Twitter) on July 17, saying that the Wall Street Journal was abolished her position on the grounds of "architecture reorganization".However, Zheng Jiaru believed that the real reason was that the newspaper had suppressed her not to run for the chairman of the Hong Kong Records Association and resigned as a director. She was rejected.

At the end of June this year, at the end of June this year, Zheng Jiaru was elected as a new chairman and performed a new on July 1.

According to the Hong Kong Ming Pao report on Wednesday (July 24), the Wall Street Journal's parent company Dow Jones's union IAPE issued a letter to Emma Tucker, editor -in -chief of the Wall Street Journal, saying that Zheng Jiaru saidIf it is true, the dismissal is unreasonable.

IAPE means that in the United States and Canada, employees who discriminate or dismiss the trade union are illegal, emphasizing that IAPE and its belonging to the American media workers (NewsGuild-CWA) will support Zheng Jiaru.

IAPE believes that Wall Street Radio should fight for the freedom of the press and support reporters. Just as the Wall Street Journal also supports Evan Grykovich, an American journalist in Russia.