Li Dongguo, a member of the Hong Kong Legislative Council, said that after a long turmoil in Hong Kong, Hong Kong ushered in a stable moment and hopes to use Hong Kong at this moment. It is believed that it will be beautiful in the future.

According to the Sing Tao Daily, Li Dongguo held three you in the Book Fair on Sunday (July 21): a new book sharing meeting for a long distance.This book collects articles about the Legislative Council's work in the past year.

Li Dongguo shared the legislative work in Article 23 of the Basic Law that the rapid and smooth legislative progress is a good experience.He said that Article 23 legislation needs to review Article 181 legislation, of which 91 of them have been revised again, and emphasized that each legislation has been continuously amended to ensure the interests of each holder.

Li Dongguo continued, the bill committee and the government constantly revised each bill, including whether there is differences between Chinese and English in the text, and whether there will be words or disagreements in words.He said that negotiations with the government are constantly studying, and each bill amendment is a challenge.

As a writer of this new book, Guan Haoming, a member of the Hong Kong Legislative Council, said at the sharing meeting that the Legislative Council's meeting has transformed from the previous government and parliamentarians to the current continuous communication, compromise and coordination.He hopes that the public understands that the parliament has always been sparks, not "playing", and believes that under the new system, the processing time of procedure work will be accelerated.