The data from the US Department of Commerce had not disclosed earlier that this year through mainland China and Hong Kong transportation to help the Russian war semiconductor and other restricted goods have been reduced by one -fifth, but Hong Kong is still global avoidance sanctions on sanctions worldwidePopular areas.

Reuters quoted a unnamed official of the US Department of Commerce and said that from January to May, the general -purpose high priority list (CHPL) items traded through Hong Kong, including microelectronics,Fall 28%.These items are regarded by the United States and the European Union as possible for Russia's war in Ukraine.

Officials pointed out that during the same period, these items decreased by 19%through the transfer of mainland China.

The US government regards Hong Kong and the mainland as an important global node for Russia for its military procurement, including semiconductor and drone components.

The official said: "I think at least there are reasons optimistic that we can slow down the speed of some trade." But he added: "China is still the question we are most concerned about."

The United States and its allies have accused China of supporting Russia's war in Ukraine, partly because China exports parts and equipment that can be used to make weapons to Russia.

The U.S. State Department and the Ministry of Finance have imposed multiple rounds of sanctions on entities that have commercial contacts with the Russian military around the world, including Hong Kong Shell Company, which have been transferring semiconductors to Russia.

The above -mentioned officials of the US Department of Commerce further explained that the reduction of illegal flow is the result of multiple factors, including the official law enforcement of the United States and contact with the product transfer company.

The United States has sharply expanded its sanctions on Russia on June 12, including Chinese companies that sell semiconductors to Russia, thereby weakening Russia's military machines.The US Department of Commerce is also dealing with Hong Kong Shell Company, which transferred to Russia, which will affect Russia's high priority projects of nearly $ 1100 million (about S $ 135 million), including chips.