A survey of Hong Kong shows that nearly half of Hong Kong citizens believe that the flow of shopping malls and markets after the crown disease epidemic has decreased, and the vacancy rate of stores increases.

Comprehensive Hong Kong Commercial Daily Network and the Internet media "Hong Kong 01" reported that the Hong Kong New Democratic Party conducted a survey in the area 18 of the region from May 21 to June 11th.Opinions of the management of community commercial shopping facilities.A total of 3477 people were investigated.

The results of the survey show that 49%of the respondents believe that the flow of people and markets in the area and market in the area after the crown disease has decreased, and it is believed that the situation does not change.The vacancy rate of shopping malls and market stores has increased.

If the district council is investigated, the Wan Chai District is considered to be the most serious area of ​​people's flow, accounting for 72%, followed by 69%of the North District.In terms of store vacancy, as many as 74%of the respondents believe that the situation in the North District is the most serious, followed by 69%of the Tai Po District.

The survey also showed that of more than 400 small merchants interviewed, more than 50 % of the merchants reported that the rent of the store had risen after the crown disease epidemic.

In terms of prices, more than half of the respondents believe that prices have risen after the crown disease epidemic.

Rong Haien, a member of the Legislative Council, who is also vice chairman of the New Democratic Party, believes that the rent of the market and the shop has a lot to do with vacancy rates.Essence

Li Zijing, a member of the New Democratic Party Legislative Council, believes that the vacancy rate of stores and the insufficient purchasing power of citizens is related to consumption in the north.The New Democratic Party suggested that the Housing Committee and the Food and Environmental Sanitation Affairs of the Ministry of Food and Environmental Sanitation lowered the rent of shopping malls and markets under its jurisdiction. At the same time, the Hong Kong government was suggested to organize activities for merchants to stimulate consumption and improve the business environment.