Recently, Hong Kong property prices have fallen by nearly 30 % from historical highs, but it is still expensive worldwide. Most of the grass -roots citizens can only continue to watch the "building" sigh.Some surveys have shown that young people applying for renting public housing are strong. The ratio of applicants with college or above academic degrees under 30 years of age has continued to rise in the past 10 years, from 33%to 52%.

Some senior officials celebrities have recently criticized the phenomenon of young applicants for public housing.In addition to the Chief Executive Li Jiachao before attending the Executive Assembly on Tuesday (July 16), he publicly called on young people to , when the Director of Housing Bureau He Yongxian attended a real estate -related forum last Thursday (11th), it also mentioned that young people "prematurely lined up public housing", and then because of taking into account the assets and income, hindering the obstacle to hinderingThe development of life twisted his life.

The Director of the Housing Department Luo Shupei in the interview program of the School of Communication of Hang Seng University in the first half of this year, even claiming that young people do not want young people to "reduce their salary and lie down" for public housing.EssenceShe encouraged young people to work hard to earn more money and climb up on the property ladder, because "being an owner is also a achievement."

The Hong Kong New Special Economic Zone Government emphasizes teamwork, so that officials who have not performed too much in recent years.Because He Yongxian and Luo Shupei, because of the high exposure rate, they are familiar with senior officials in the officialdom, especially Luo Shupei often explained new policies in person, and has been respected by many citizens.However, the curve criticized Hong Kong Youth to apply for public housing this time. Although the starting point is good attentive, it does not seem to see the nature of the problem, and it is inevitable that the height of living temples failed to worry about their people.

The Hong Kong economy began to take off after World War II. By the 1960s and 1970s, society slowly gathered a lot of wealth to drive real estate and stock markets.After that, the reform and opening up of mainland China, Hong Kong has taken advantage of the advantages of the mainland market all the way, and the economic high -speed speed will develop into an international metropolis led by the financial and professional service industry.However, in the past 20 years, Hong Kong's economic growth has slowed down, and high -end professional monks have been porridge and less. Although the younger generation has risen education, the conditions for flowing upward are obviously not as good as before.

The Hong Kong Institute of Asia -Pacific Institute of Hong Kong University of Hong Kong conducted a survey at the end of May this year to explore the views of Hong Kong people on social flow issues.The results of the survey show that 53.3%of the citizens interviewed agreed that the current opportunities for young people to flow up in society are insufficient, and another 43.3%of the respondents believe that the opportunity to flow upward will become worse in the next 10 years.

Hong Kong has risen in the past 20 years, and has become the most difficult city in global property prices for 14 consecutive years.Data show that Hong Kong people can only afford the house for 16.7 years.Facing the sky -high residential market, home industry has become a major problem facing Hong Kong Qing.

Some Hong Kong youths are convinced that everyone's fate is in their hands. Instead of complaining about social injustice, it is better to work hard to appreciate and seek opportunities.From the perspective of friends around, although these people have accumulated slightly after more than 10 years of hard work, they still have to rely on their family membership to buy business. It is not easy to flow upwards.

Some young Hong Kong young people who do not have a strong fighting spirit simply "lie down".A survey released by the Hong Kong Employee Re -Training Bureau shows that Hong Kong Youth's employment is low.Among the non -employment and non -schooling youth interviewed, most of them do not intend to find a job within a few years. The reasons include the type of work without financial burden, unclear work types that are suitable for themselves, planning to travel and unbearable work pressure.

From another perspective, this negative value of young people in Hong Kong is also original.Because they know that even if they work hard, they may not be able to afford a decent house in their lives.Instead of suffering a huge mortgage pressure in a lifetime, it is better to pursue better quality of life at the moment.

Between active upward and self -abandonment, more young people in Hong Kong set their eyes to the application public housing.They felt difficult to buy private houses, so they hoped to change their poverty by renting public housing.Because the waiting time for the application for public housing is too long, many people start applying during college, hoping to "go upstairs" as soon as possible.

But public housing has certain restrictions on income and assets.Taking a single applicant as an example, the current monthly income limit is HK $ 12,900 (S $ 2224).In order to meet the conditions, many Hong Kong youths would rather find a low salary job after graduating, and even refused the company's salary increase or turned into part -time jobs.

I have a young friend who applied for public housing with my grandmother as soon as I went to college. First, the public housing area that I could apply for was large. Second, I applied with the elderly.Sure enough, after four years, they were finally approved to stay in public housing.After three or four years, he married his girlfriend and successfully added his wife's name to the public housing register without renting expensive private houses outside.However, public housing needs to calculate household income, and there are asset reviews. Friends can only do the catering industry that collects cash on weekdays.

Huang Tian lived up to the people. With many years of hard work, friends finally deposited 500,000 Hong Kong dollars. Last year, they successfully purchased the government's house as a public housing resident and owned their own houses.This is a living example of the flowing upward flow of young people at the grassroots level.

For Hong Kong youths aimed at applying for public housing, many older generations criticized them without their ambitions.But in the eyes of young people, this is their most ideal and most rational strategy. Only by applying for public housing as soon as possible can they have the opportunity to live a better life.

Young people want to rent public housing without work and enjoy government resources. This phenomenon is really not healthy and needs to attract attention from all parties.But behind this phenomenon, there are many deep reasons hidden.The Hong Kong Government and all walks of life have criticized the young people from all walks of life. It seems that young people must pay more attention to young people because they can't see the way out, and they will be resentful, which will cause social anxiety at any time.How to provide more flowing opportunities for the younger generation requires deep thoughts.