Chen Maobo, director of the Hong Kong Financial Secretary, believes that the SAR government has been in a stable situation in the past few years, but since the new government takes office, the implementation of the National Security Law, and the support of the country, is now attacking.

Comprehensive Ming Daily and Sing Tao Daily reported that Chen Maobo said on Sunday (June 30) on Sunday (June 30) that from time to time, he heard that some people sayThe increase in bank storage in the first five months of this year, citizens need not worry.

Chen Maobo also said that the mainland's economy and other major economies have continued to build growth, and look forward to the future.He further said that even if Hong Kong's economy may be influenced by market atmosphere and geopolitics in the short term, the overall research and judgment are still optimistic.

He admits that the geopolitical pattern is lingering, and the financial market will inevitably fluctuate. Hong Kong must have a market supervision mechanism to make early warning, and at the same time, there must be a response plan.

Chen Maobo also wrote on Sunday as saying that Hong Kong must not only consolidate traditional advantageous industries, but also accelerate the cultivation of new industries., More tough development.

He said: "Artificial intelligence, medical health, green finance and green technology, digital economy, multinational supply chain management, etc. are all areas we need to vigorously promote in the future."

Chen MaoboIt is also said that with the formal implementation of the maintenance of the National Security Regulations in March this year, Hong Kong comprehensively building a barrier to maintaining national security, and the social and business environment is more stable.