Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao, who claims to be a fan of Chinese espionage, said that the promotion of "rational education" about Guoan will definiteIt is advocated that Hong Kong tries to produce and promote spy films when promoting the concept of national security.

Li Jiachao said in an interview published on Friday (June 28), which said that patriotic education can be divided into rationality and sensibility.Performance education includes the overall national security concept, the Hong Kong National Security Law, and the National Security Regulations through the promotion of books, activities, etc.

Li Jiachao said that the promotion of "rational education" about the knowledge of Guoan knowledge will definitely have, but he believes that emotional education will more effectively stimulate emotional spontaneity. "When you sing, you will integrate the lyrics.Will feel the history of the lyrics and bring immersive feelings. "He said that songs, movies, and TV series are all mediums that can subtly affect the audience.

Li Jiachao admits that there are not enough spy dramas in Hong Kong, and it is recommended that Hong Kong can try to produce and promote spy films when promoting the concept of national security in the future.He pointed out that there are many patriotic education materials with emotional characteristics in the mainland and believe that Hong Kong can also be followed."These emotional education is more subtle, deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and more spontaneous than some more rational education."

Li Jiachao for example, watching the ruins of the Yuanming Garden in Beijing, or watching a movie to understand the history of being bullied and insultedWait, these more intuitive education methods are "the best education."He said that doing these education is to protect himself and not invade people, but you must understand that although Hong Kong is a gentleman, there are many villains in this world. "Many people will find ways to invade you from time to time, we must prevent them."