The recovery speed of Hong Kong tourism and retail industry after the epidemic is not as ideal. Beijing announced that it will increase the tax exemption of luggage items carried by mainland residents from Hong Kong and Macau from July, up to 15,000 yuan (RMB, RMB,The same, about 2801 S $ 2801).

Scholars of interviewees pointed out that new measures can help boost the sluggish Hong Kong retail industry. However, mainland travelers have no price advantage in shopping in Hong Kong, and believe that the role will not be too great.

The Chinese Ministry of Commerce announced on Friday (June 28) to announce the above -mentioned new policies on the official website, saying that the mainland and Hong Kong and Macau were negotiated under the arrangement of the establishment of a more close economic and trade relations (CEPA) mechanism, respectively, and agreed to improve from Hong Kong and Macao.The tax exemption amount of luggage items carried by residents and travelers in the country is included in the CEPA cargo trade agreement.Specific measures are announced by the competent business department.


Announcement pointed out that the current duty -free amount of luggage items from Hong Kong and Macao residents is 5,000 yuan, which will increase to 12,000 yuan. At the same time, it will be retained in the additional 3,000 yuan duty -free commodities in the entry port.5000 yuan.

New measures will be the first to be applied to six land ports including Luohu, Futian, Shenzhen Bay, Guangshen Bay High -speed Railway West Kowloon Station, and Hong Kong -Zhuhai -Macao Bridge Zhuhai Highway.Implement.

The Government of Hong Kong and the Macau Special Administrative Region has issued a statement, and the central government is welcome to launch relevant measures.Ge Yicheng, the head of Macau, said that the increase in tax exemption will help promote the growth of tourism consumption in Macau and promote the community economy, benefit small and medium -sized enterprises including retail industry, and help the overall economy of Macau steadily develop.

The statement of the Hong Kong government pointed out that under the new arrangement, it is estimated that it can bring an additional 8.8 billion to HK $ 17.6 billion (1.528 billion to 3.057 billion yuan) to Hong Kong each year.To HK $ 5.4 billion.Officials will promote publicity to inform mainland travelers and new policy arrangements for related industry.

In order to cooperate with new measures, the Hong Kong Tourism Development Bureau will launch summer promotion activities, including 500,000 coupons to visiting Hong Kong overnight passengers, covering traffic tourism, catering and retail, with a total value of more than 100 million Hong Kong dollars.

From July 11, overnight passengers in Hong Kong can receive coupons when participating in hotel registration, air tickets or ticket certificates, and can also present the voucher to the Hong Kong Travel Development Agency to present the voucher.The Hong Kong Travel Development Agency also jointly launched more than 100 summer selection discounts with airlines, attractions, catering, retail, shopping malls, travel agencies, etc.

Cui Dingbang, director of the Hong Kong Tourism Promotion Association, believes that the central government's measures to increase the tax exemption of luggage items in mainland China in Hong Kong, which will greatly help to promote the consumption of mainland tourists to Hong Kong. The tax exemption amount is appropriate and sufficient.

He said that at this stage, it is difficult to estimate that the tax -free quota will increase how many mainland tourists visit Hong Kong. The most important thing is to attract mainland passengers to take Hong Kong as the preferred tourist destination.When they are happy in Hong Kong, they will naturally consume.

However, Chen Weiqiang, a lecturer of Hong Kong University of Technology, Hong Kong University of Technology, believed that the new policy was positive for the Hong Kong tourism industry, but the role may not be great.Because of the weak economy in recent years, the people's consumption is low; and many mainland passengers have used to buy brand -name products in Hong Kong and Macao, but they have changed to online shopping during the epidemic. The price is similar to that of Hong Kong.

Chen Weiqiang pointed out that during the National Two Sessions of China this year, the CPPCC of all Hong Kong Districts has jointly suggested to increase the tax exemption of passengers visiting Hong Kong, from 5,000 yuan to 30,000 yuan.Beijing's decision to increase the tax -free amount to 15,000 yuan this time. It is believed that trying to get a balance between the interests between Hong Kong, Macao, and mainland provinces and cities.

He said: "In recent years, the economy of mainland China is poor. Governments in various places must develop the economy through stimulating domestic demand. If too many people go to Hong Kong and Macau for consumption, they will influence the local economy in disguise.The government rebounds " He also said that the global tourism model has changed. The development of the Hong Kong government must first understand the tastes of mainland and foreign passengers, and then launch measures to attract customers.In the past, the attractions of sightseeing flowers were more focused on experiencing local culture. Hong Kong should discover new unique street views, historical and cultural attractions.