The Hong Kong Destle driver's illegal score system will take effect in late September.

Lin Shixiong, the director of the Hong Kong Transport and Logistics Bureau, published a website on the official website to introduce the provisions of the bureau's policy on the official website on the official website, and revealed the above news.

He said that last year, the bureau had proposed a series of measures to improve the overall Guts service quality, including the introduction of the Delta team system, some of the crimes related to Dershrine drivers to increase penalties.

Lin Shixiong introduced that the Transport Department invited the Dushi team's license to apply and planned to issue not more than five licenses.Before the end of the application period at the end of last month, the bureau received a total of 15 applications. Now it is examining the relevant applications and will be announced in July.

He pointed out that in addition to the introduction of high -quality team services, the bureau also heard that passengers who wanted to strengthen the crackdown of taxi drivers (such as car charges and refusal to load).In this regard, the two -level penalties have been introduced to strengthen the scary of repeated criminals. The Delsm driver's illegal score system will take effect on September 22 this year.

The Hong Kong Legislative Council passed the draft regulations on the Destle driver's illegal scoring regulations in December last December.15 points will be suspended for three months.Lin Shixiong said at the time that the law would take effect nine months after the announcement, and emphasized that the Delste driver would not be scored because of passengers' complaints. Instead, he was scored after investigation by the police and was convicted by the court.