Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao believes that Hong Kong has ushered in the best development opportunity for governance and prosperity, and the opportunity is greater than the challenge.

Li Jiachao posted and uploaded videos on Facebook for two consecutive days to share his experience for two years.Li Jiachao wrote on Sunday (June 30) that he had a feeling when he was sitting in a starring wheel: different passengers may have different purposes by boat, "but we all take a boat with a boat and move towards the common direction."

He believes that many problems are intricate, different views and angles, and there are different feelings to see the problem.Therefore, it is necessary to look at the micro and macro to see the problem. At the same time, it is necessary to see the essence through the phenomenon, and the possibilities may be hidden behind the incident.

Li Jiachao wrote: "Today's Hong Kong has ushered in the best development opportunity of 'by governance and Xing". Opportunities and challenges coexist, but the opportunity is greater than the challenge. "

Li JiachaoIn the video, Hong Kong must have innovative thinking and bottom -line thinking.When formulating policies, it is even more adaptable to local conditions and adapt to time.

He also said: "The peripheral environment is full of challenges, and the changes of the world are in a way of unprecedented ways. We must continue to work hard not only the goal, but also to speed up and improve.Seize the opportunity and play the advantages.People can seize opportunities and create more brilliant results.

Li Jiachao also said that in the past year, Article 23 of the Basic Law and the district council election two important political work, while Hong Kong society is stable, and the economic development is steady.