Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao Saturday on Saturday(June 29th) Published a film to review the work in the past two years.

Li Jiachao published the second anniversary of the film summary on his personal Facebook, and said that he has a significant responsibility, but the mission is glorious. The most important thing is to selfless mission.He also said that looking forward to the future, the government will continue to do a good job of setting up and director to create opportunities for Hong Kong.

In this half -minute film, Li Jiachao and the Chief Executive's special assistant Huang Yiyuan took the starring wheel to discuss the challenges and difficulties facing Hong Kong in Victoria Harbor.Li Jiachao said that he was not afraid of challenges and solved the problem for the people. When it was resolved, "the wind and rain may come, and the sea may not be calm."

Li Jiachao has reviewed the work of the past two years in the film, including the completion of the legislation of Article 23 of the Basic Law, improving regional governance, implementing the principle of governing the country in the country, setting up the 18th districtThe waiting time is shortened, the combination of encouraging fertility, and large -scale investment promotion.

Li Jiachao said, there is no best, only better.Just as the government governance team is like a ship, it must be united, the direction must be correct, the conviction must be consistent, and the speed must be accelerated.

Li Jiachao revealed on Facebook that two days from Saturday for two consecutive days, they will share their ideas to the people through the film, and to thank the team and all sectors of society.He said, "Different industries also have to show their own directors to play our own roles. Let us continue to work hard to build a better Hong Kong together!"