(Hong Kong Comprehensive News) Beijing is reportedly announced in the short term to increase the tax exemption of mainland Chinese tourists in Hong Kong to up to six times to boost the retail industry of Hong Kong's downturn.

Although Hong Kong does not levy tariffs on most imports and exports, mainland passengers must pay taxes when they bring the goods purchased in Hong Kong back to the mainland.Mainland passengers currently enjoy the tax exemption of 5,000 yuan (RMB (RMB, and S $ 934) at each visit to Hong Kong. According to news reports on Thursday (June 27), the tax exemption is expected to be lower than 30,000 yuan.

During the China Two Council of China (the National People's Congress and the CPPCC Annual Meeting) in March this year, the deputies of the National People's Congress and CPPCC members of the Hong Kong District have suggested that the tax exemption of tourists visiting Hong Kong from 5,000 yuan was increased to 30,000 yuan.

Sources said the measures will be announced in the short term.However, many representatives of the National People's Congress of the Hong Kong District and members of the CPPCC evaluated that although things are imperative. If a large number of mainland tourists go to Hong Kong to shop, the central government must consider the impact of the loss of consumption power and "grabbing" caused by other mainland provinces and cities.Some people believe that the new tax exemption will be less than 30,000 yuan.

At present, the RMB exchange rate has fallen, and the overall economy of mainland China is weak. Chen Zhongni, a representative of the National People's Congress and a member of the Legislative Council of the DPP, believes that increasing the tax exemption must help the retail industry in Hong Kong, but "don't think that it is very helpful."EssenceHe said that mainland travelers need to pay traffic and accommodation costs to Hong Kong. If the tax exemption is not high, it may not be very attractive.He urged Hong Kong's retail industry to improve after -sales service and other supporting facilities in order to compete with other places such as Hainan Island.

Sing Tao Daily also published a "big chessboard" column article on June 20, saying that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government and the politics are striving to increase tax exemption from the central government in recent months to save the Hong Kong Consumer City Road. It is expected that there are good news.According to news from all parties, the policy direction is expected to greatly increase the tax exemption to six digits, and uses one year as the calculation unit.However, some business representatives believe that related measures should be further refined, raising tax -free and limiting the number of tax -free discounts to attract more passengers.

Bloomberg pointed out that Hong Kong is trying to restore the status of its shopping hub, but in recent years, more and more mainland tourists are attracted by Hainan Free Trade Port (the duty -free shopping quota per year is 100,000 yuan) and the gambling town Macau.Due to the weak currency, Japan also attracted more duty -free shoppers.