(Manila / Beijing Comprehensive News) China and the Philippines continued to burn the saliva war around the South China Sea dispute.Accusations, and said only Beijing believed in this statement.

According to Reuters, Torodo said: "The truth and facts are that no country in the world clearly supports their (China) sovereignty to the entire South China Sea."

The contradictions of China and the Philippines recently upgraded in the South China Sea.In the two consecutive days of conflict in the disputed waters for two consecutive days, both parties blamed each other on each other and showed Signs to prepare for the situation of the situation .

Philippine President President Platty Marcos Interview with Japanese media It is said that the efforts of China and the Philippines through diplomacy to solve the South China Sea problem are in the "bad direction". Manila must break the old thinking and make "paradigm transfer".

In response, Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin said at a regular press conference on Tuesday that China is willing to properly control the differences with the Filipino party through dialogue, and will not close the door to the Philippines.However, he reiterated that the recent situation was "completely the Philippines' deliberate infringement and provocative manufacturing" and was responsible for the Philippines.

A spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines on Wednesday accused "the Philippine individual politicians and officials are controversial for the Philippine Maritime Sea in the Philippines for personal political and private interests, and said that these remarks destroyed the efforts of divergence through diplomatic dialogue.

In 2013, the Philippines filed arbitration with China's sovereign dispute with China in the South China Sea. The arbitration results were announced three years later, and the results of the arbitration were almost supported by the Philippines.China said "not accepting and not recognizing", and said that China's territorial sovereignty and marine rights in the South China Sea have historical and legal foundations, and are not affected by the arbitral tribunal ruling.