The State Administration of Market Supervision and Administration of China recently responded to relevant suggestions that it will accelerate the implementation of the labor contract demonstration text of dedicated to takeaway riders, and strengthen the effective connection between the flexible employment group and the current social security system.

The website of the State Administration of Market Supervision and Administration of China last Monday (December 11) released a response to the proposal (hereinafter referred to as the response) of the 14th National People's Congress Session No. 5331, which announced the replyThe relevant content of the National People's Congress's representative Guan Xu on strengthening the protection of takeaway riders' rights and interests.

The General Administration of Market Supervision said in the response that the General Administration of Market Supervision attaches great importance to the protection of the rights and interests of the delivery staff, and continuously strengthens the construction of the system with relevant departments, urges the online catering platformRights and interests promote the healthy and sustainable development of the platform's economy.

The General Administration of Market Supervision introduced that related work has been carried out, such as optimizing the rules of the platform algorithm and reducing the pressure on the rider's distribution.Implement the guidance opinion on implementing the responsibility of online catering platforms to effectively safeguard the rights and interests of take -out food delivery staff, supervise and guide the platform to reasonably set the performance evaluation system for take -out food delivery staff, optimize the laws of laws, and optimize the iterative algorithm in accordance with the principle of "algorithm" principleTechnology, the estimated delivery time of the ordering user interface is adjusted from the "time point" to the "time period". In the abnormal scene, it provides a supplementary time for take -out food delivery staff to effectively alleviate the delivery pressure of take -out food delivery staff.In 2022, Meituan's user's order rate decreased by 43.24%, the rate of differential reviews decreased by 67.39%, and the rider's penalty rate fell by 51.67%.

The General Administration of Market Supervision said that the next step will improve the legal system of the right to protect the rights and interests of the new employment form.Cooperate with relevant departments to accelerate the introduction of labor security laws and regulations suitable for new employment workers, accelerate the implementation of labor contract demonstration text specifically suitable for takeaway riders, and strengthen the effective connection between flexible employment groups and the current social security system.

Pressing the main responsibility of labor employment workers in the platform and distribution partners.Guide the rules of optimization agreement on the network catering platform, urge the platform to set the reward rules scientifically, improve the performance assessment system, and publicize the opinions of the takeaway riders in advance when formulating a system for adjustment and assessment, rewards and punishments.Supervise the platform to strengthen the supervision of distribution partners and establish and improve the exit mechanism of unqualified distribution partners.When the guidance platform is formulated and adjusted, the risk assessment will be carried out in advance to effectively prevent the hidden risk hazards that may occur.

Promote the work joint for the formation of the right to safeguard the rights of takeaway riders.Implement the guidance on safeguarding the labor security rights and interests of the new employment form, the guidance opinions such as the responsibility of the online catering platform to effectively safeguard the rights and interests of the take -out food delivery staff, strengthen departmental cooperation and information interaction, and actively cooperate with relevant departments to carry out public interest litigation exploration, Promote the formation of a joint governance of multiple departments, and effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of takeaway riders.