China Hubei Chain Supermarket Giant Zhongbai Group has been exposed to employees to occupy more than 200 million yuan (RMB, the same below, about 38 million yuan).Relevant criminal suspects had previously escaped abroad and have now arrested the case.

China Bai Holdings Group Co., Ltd. issued an announcement on Tuesday (December 19) on the evening of the evening of the subsidiary, the company's wholly -owned subsidiary Zhongbai Storage Supermarket Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as ""Zhongbai Warehouse Supermarket") On July 22, it was found that his financial officer Shao Moumou had suspicion of occupation funds and immediately reported the case to the public security organs.Because the suspect fled abroad, in order to ensure that the source of information continued, all the investigation was held in secret.On October 13 this year, the public security organs will escape to all criminal suspects abroad to arrest the case.

The announcement stated that the case is currently in the investigation stage, and the amount of invasion funds has been preliminarily estimated to be about 219 million yuan. It is expected that the company's other receivables of other receivables will increase by about 219 million yuan.Yuan, preliminary estimated that other receivables will be prepared for bad accounts of about 210 million yuan, reducing the total profit of 2023 about 50 million yuan, and reduced the total profit of the previous annual profit of about 160 million yuan.The ultimate impact must be determined according to the subsequent investigation conclusions of the public security organs.

The announcement also stated that after the flow of funds from the public security organs and the company's self -inspection, no person involved in the case was related to the company's controlling shareholders, directors, supervisors, and senior management personnel.The company's current production and operations are normal, and the above matters have not made other impacts on the company's daily production and operation.

According to the third quarterly report of the China -Bai Group, the third quarter of the China -Bai Group achieved revenue of 2.875 billion yuan, a year -on -year decrease of 3.23%; the net profit attributable to the mother was 55.31 million yuan, the loss was narrowed by 27.64%year -on -year;In the third quarter, revenue achieved revenue of 9.187 billion yuan, a decrease of 0.25%year -on -year; net profit attributable to mother was 43.709 million yuan, and the loss narrowed by 62.36%year -on -year.Last year, Zhongbai Group realized revenue of 12.197 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 1.08%; the net profit of the mother-in-law was-3.2 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 1322.6%.Among them, supermarket revenue accounted for 93.96%.

According to Wind data, the performance of the China -Bai Group in the first three quarters has been going downhill since the epidemic, but this year's losses have narrowed significantly this year.

According to the official website, China -Bai Group was founded in 1937.It was listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on May 19, 1997. It is a state -owned commercial listed company and a leading company in Hubei Province.上市以来已由原单体百货店发展为拥有分布在湖北、重庆、湖南三地的连锁网点1700余家,经营面积超170万平方米,员工总数近2万人,资产总额逾100亿元,规模Sales nearly 28 billion yuan in large commercial groups.

The official website introduces that Zhongbai Group has a variety of formats such as comprehensive supermarkets, community supermarkets, 24H convenience stores, shopping centers, electrical appliances, smart logistics, food factories, retail technology, plastic products production and other formats.The number of company outlets and business scale ranks among the forefront of Hubei marketing enterprises, forming a modern commercial ecosystem that focuses on commercial retail, with counting wisdom technology, logistics distribution, food processing, and environmental protection packaging as the support support support.

As of the closing of December 20, Zhongbai Group reported 4.68 yuan per share, down 5.26%, and fell 21.48%during the year.