Member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi emphasized three "unchanged" to New Zealand Vice Premier and Foreign Minister Peters.He said that the international situation has changed complicated and profoundly, but the importance of Sino -new relations has not changed. The complementarity of the economy of the two countries has not changed, and the positive attitude and policies of China -Sino -new relations have not changed.

According to the press release issued by the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the official website, Wang Yi had a appointment on Tuesday (December 19) to call with Peters.Wang Yi first congratulated Peter to the Vice Premier and Foreign Minister of New Zealand, and said that the international situation has changed complicated and profoundly, but the importance of Sino -new relations has not changed.The policy has not changed.

Wang Yi said that he is willing to maintain high -level exchanges with the new side, continue to carry forward the spirit of "competing first", promote Sino -new relations to achieve new development at a new starting point, and continue to become different systems, different civilizations, and different volumes.The country respects each other's respect, mutual benefit and win -win.

Wang Yi also stated that the potential for China -Singapore cooperation is huge. Last year, the promise of the upgrade of the free trade agreement between the two countries was officially effective.EssenceThe Chinese and new political systems, historical culture, and development stages are different. We must adhere to mutual respect, understand each other, think in other places, and properly handle differences and differences.

He said that China is willing to strengthen multilateral coordination with the new side to jointly maintain the UN international system and international order based on international law, and jointly defend the purpose and principles of the United Nations Charter.

According to the press release, Wang Yi and Peter also exchanged opinions on international hot issues such as Harbin conflict and Ukraine crisis.

According to Reuters, New Zealand Prime Minister Lu Jiefeng Wednesday (December 20) said that in the face of the "more challenging" world order, he will study the benefits of joining the Australian and American three -sided security partnership (AUKUS).

Australia, Britain, and the United States announced in September 2021 that the establishment of Australian and American three -sided security partnership was announced.