Two years after the resumption of diplomatic relations between China and China and China, China officially announced that the two countries have decided to raise bilateral relations into strategic partnerships.

According to a joint statement issued by the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Wednesday (December 20), Chinese President Xi Jinping passed the phone on Wednesday with the President Alta of the Republic of Nicaragua on Wednesday.The rapid development momentum believes that the strategic improvement of bilateral relations under the new situation has continued to increase, and unanimously decided to raise the relationship between the two countries into strategic partnership.

According to a joint statement, the Nigerian party firmly pursues a Chinese principle and reiterates that the government of the People's Republic of China is the only legal government representing the whole of China. Taiwan is an indispensable part of China's territory;", Reiterates any form of official exchanges between different forms of Taiwan, and firmly supports the Chinese government's efforts to achieve the unity of the country.

At the same time, China firmly supports the development path of the Nicaragua people's independent choices in line with its national conditions, firmly supports Nicaragua to maintain national independence, sovereignty and self -determination, security and development interests, and firmly support Nicaragua to steadily promote major domestic political agenda, resolutely resolutelyOpposite external forces to interfere with Nicaragua internal affairs.

The joint statement stated that the two parties highly evaluated the signing of the Sino -Nine Free Trade Agreement to sign the Sino -Niger Free Trade Agreement, which will promote the agreement to take effect as soon as possible.The two parties will make full use of the mechanisms such as the Sino -Indian Economic and Trade Commission and other platforms such as the Sino -Indian Free Trade Agreement to expand the scale of trade between the two countries and increase the level of bilateral trade.

The statement also mentioned that China supports powerful companies to go to Nigeria to conduct investment cooperation, participate in the construction of the Nigerian infrastructure, and is willing to actively study the related investment and financing projects proposed by the Niger.Niifang is willing to further improve and continuously optimize the business environment, and provide policy support and convenience for Chinese companies to invest in Nigeron.

The establishment of diplomatic relations between mainland China and Nicaragua in 1985. In 1990, Nicaragua established diplomatic relations with Taiwan to break diplomatic relations with mainland China.On December 9, 2021, Nicaragua announced that she had broken diplomatic relations with Taiwan and signed a joint bulletin with mainland China the next day to restore the ambassador -level diplomatic relations between the two countries.

China -Niwen signed a free trade agreement in August this year.According to CCTV News, this is the first time that China has signed a free trade agreement with open cross -border service trade (including financial services) and investment in a negative list. It is also the 21st free trade agreement signed by China.

Nicaragua is the 28th free trade partner in China, and it is also the fifth free trade partner in Latin America after Chile, Peru, Costa Rica, and Ecuador.