Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday (December 20)In the morning, I met Russian Prime Minister Mishusi Jing in the Great Hall of the People that China was willing to use Russia to take the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia as a new starting point to continuously amplify the positive effects of high -level political relations between the two countries and comprehensively promote their economic and social development.Continue to move forward in the process of realizing national rejuvenation.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Xi Jinping pointed out that he has met with Putin two times this year. The Chinese and Russian governments, legislators, political parties, and localities have been closely exchanged, and the healthy and stable development of pragmatic cooperation in various fields.In the first 11 months of this year, the bilateral trade between China and Russia achieved the goal of US $ 200 billion (approximately S $ 265.7 billion) jointly formulated with Putin in advance, showing the strong toughness and broad prospects of mutually beneficial cooperation between the two countries.Maintaining and developing well -developed Sino -Russian relations is a strategic choice made by the two people based on the fundamental interests of the two countries.

Xi Jinping emphasized that the Chinese side supports the development path of the Russian people to take independent choices.China is willing to continue to work together with Russia's 75th anniversary of China -Russia's 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia to continue to enlarge the positive effects of high -level political relations between the two countries, and continue to work together in the process of comprehensively promoting their economic and social development and realizing national rejuvenation.

Xi Jinping also said that China's economic toughness, great potential, extensive room for virginity, and long -term good fundamentals have not changed.China firmly promotes high -quality development and promotes high levels of opening up to the outside world. It will provide new opportunities for the development of countries including Russia.The two sides must give full play to the advantages of political mutual trust, economic complementarity, facility interconnection, and people's hearts, and continuously enrich the connotation of cooperation, deepen cooperation in the fields of economic and trade, energy, and interconnection, and jointly maintain the security and stability of the industrial chain supply chain.The two sides should run the year of the Chinese Russian culture after the Ming Dynasty, design more and more colorful cultural exchanges, and consolidate the friendly society and public opinion foundation of the two countries.

According to the Russian satellite news agency, in the meeting, Masasus said that Russia cherishes its firm cultural and humanistic connection with China.The year of sports exchange has ended, and from 2024 to 2025, it will be the Russian Chinese year.The development of direct communication between people and understanding rich history, culture and traditions will help strengthen the friendship of the Russian -China people for hundreds of years.

Michase Jing also congratulated Xi Jinping on the 45th anniversary of China's reform and opening up.He said: "I sincerely congratulate you and all Chinese people's great achievements in economic and social development and strengthening China's prestige on the international stage."

Michasi Jing added that in Russia, the New YearThis festival is very popular, traditionally celebrated in the circle of family and relatives and friends.Summarize the results of the past year and formulate a bright plan for the future.He wanted to take this opportunity to thank Xi Jinping for your friendly relationship and constructive efforts of all Chinese colleagues.

He said that in the new year, China and Russia will achieve new and greater achievements.According to the lunar calendar, the new year is the year of the dragon, and the dragon is one of the symbols of China.He wished all Chinese friends in good health and good luck.

Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the Chinese Foreign Minister, also attended the meeting.

Michase Jing started the trip to China on December 19 and participated in the 28th regular meeting of the China -Russia Prime Minister.This is his visit to China again after seven months. In May this year, Michasic Beijing officially visited China for two days.Xi Jinping also met Michase Jing at the time.