A funeral home in Funeral Califier in Fengrun District, Tangshan, is divided into high -end furnaces and low -end furnaces.The staff of the Tangshan Civil Affairs Bureau responded on Wednesday (December 20) that it was an old brand hanging many years ago. Now regardless of high and low -end furnaces, the brand has been withdrawn.

Comprehensive Journal News, Shaanhua Telegraph "Houlang Video" and Yangguang.com reported that a video of Tangshan netizens in Hebei showed that the cremation of a funeral home in a funeral home in Fengrun District, TangshanWhy do you question the cremation?Some netizens are worried that this will increase the burden of family members.

The staff of the funeral home responded that high and low -end furnaces have been available across the country. The low -end furnaces are basically eliminated. They are not charged and high -end furnaces are more advanced, receiving 800 yuan (RMB, about S $ 152).The staff of the Civil Affairs Bureau of Fengrun District said that high and low -end furnaces meet the requirements and have always had this configuration.

The staff of the Tangshan Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau responded that the sign of high -end furnaces and low -end furnaces was hung up many years ago, and now it is no longer distinguished from high and low -end furnaces.

The staff of the funeral home did not deny before. The above -mentioned staff said that some of the contents were inaccurate. After the recent video came out, the sign has been withdrawn.