Alibaba announced on Wednesday (December 20) that the CEO of Alibaba Group and the chairman of Tao Tian Group Wu Yongming also served as the CEO of Taitian Group.Since then, Wu Yongming will also serve as three CEOs of Alibaba Group, Tao Tian Group, Alibaba Cloud Smart Group.

Cai Chongxin, chairman of the board of directors of Alibaba Group, announced the appointment through all the faith.The letter said, "In the new era, a new strategy and organizational system change is required. Looking at the past, facing the future, changing itself, I believe that Alibaba, who has experienced this round of reform, will complete the transformation."

Cai Chongxin also saidWu Yongming took over as the CEO of Ali Group for three months, clarifying the group's strategic focus and priority choice, resolutely organizing the main business, and comprehensively promoting the younger reform of the management team.Wu Yongming's No. 1 position as Alibaba Cloud and Tao Tian will help lead the change of Tao Tian with technological innovation, and help ensure that the group's unified command and high -intensity investment in the group's two strategic center of gravity e -commerce and Yun Yun.Next, we will be fully opened at the grassroots level to get exercise. The emerging young management team will create their innovative environment for young people.

All members also announced that in order to optimize the return of capital and increase the value of shareholders, the Group's Capital Management Committee authorized to set up an asset management company. "This is the new business function after Ali's change."Dai Shan will assist the Group to build Alibaba Group asset management companies and set up professional management teams.

Cai Chongxin introduced that Dai Shan, as a member of Alibaba's 18 founding teams, has been struggling on the front line of the company for more than 20 years, making great efforts to the company's establishment and growth.In the process of comprehensively returning to users, returning to the Internet, and returning to universal Taobao, Dai Shan completed his mission.The preparation group's asset management company is the new business function after Ali's transformation. It needs to develop the spirit and strong organizational structure capabilities. Dai Shan will give full play to her expertise to continue to create value for the company.

Alibaba launched organizational change in March this year.On September 12, Wu Yongming took the user as the first, and the AI ​​driving all the employees with the title of more value to create a greater value.

Wu Yongming disclosed a new strategic picture to the outside world for the first time at the Ali quarterly performance telephone meeting in November this year.Business, AI -driven technology business, global business network.