Foreign Ministers of South Korea and China meet in Busan and exchange opinions on bilateral, regional and international issues.

According to the Yonhap News Agency, Park Zhen, the chief of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of South Korea (November 26), held talks at the Politburo member of the Politburo and Chinese Foreign Minister at the Politburo of the CPC Politburo in Busan.

This is the two foreign ministers met again after meeting in Indonesia in July this year.

When you met with a reporter at a hotel where Park Zhen stayed at Busan, he said that he would introduce the Chinese side to the background of some terms of some terms of the Korean North Korea's 1999 military agreement, and to cooperate with China to maintain a plan for peace and stability on the peninsula.have a discussion.

Before meeting Wang Yi, Park Zhenxian held talks with the Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs Uenagawa.After lunch, the three foreign ministers of South Korea, China, and China will hold a third -sided talk.