The Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China The PLA reported on Sunday (November 26), which emphasized that China pays great attention to relevant conflicts in northern Myanmar, urges relevant parties to stop fire immediately, and vowed to resolutely maintain the security and stability of the China -Myanmar border.

The article states that China and Myanmar have a border of more than 2,000 kilometers. As a close neighbor connected by landscapes, China has always adhered to China -Myanmar relations from a strategic height and long -term perspective.

The article wrote that recently, for many reasons, armed conflicts broke out in several regions in northern Myanmar, causing casualties and injuries, and the safety situation was complicated and severe.China pays great attention to relevant conflicts in northern Myanmar, urges relevant parties to stop fire immediately, carry out peaceful dialogue, and avoid upgrading of the situation.At the same time, China also started from humanitarianism, paid great efforts, properly resettled and cooperated with the Burmese to rescue the warfare personnel, and actively assisted third -country personnel to evacuate in China through China.

The article states that in recent years, China has worked closely with Myanmar to communicate and coordinate, effectively strengthen border management, and create good conditions for promoting economic development in border areas.

For the southern theater of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, the theater Army forces the Army forces from the AD forces.= _blank> A practical training training is held on the side of the China -Myanmar border.Preparation of class emergencies.

The article states: "In this place, the actual training training held on one side of the border in China and Myanmar will further strengthen the awareness, crisis consciousness, and mission awareness of officers and soldiers, comprehensively test and improve the side control of the pipeline control edge edge edge edgeAbility, ensure that the mission task can be effectively fulfilled under a order.It aims to maintain the stability and peace of the neighboring areas of the border, and does not violate the principles of China that does not interfere in Myanmar's internal affairs.

Before that, a truck team that entered Myanmar from China was attacked on Friday (24th) in the Muse Town (MUSE) in northwestern Bangbang, northern Myanmar, and more than a hundred trucks were burned.The old street in northern Myanmar was also attacked by rocket launchers earlier this week, causing at least 10 people to die.The military government and the civilians have denied that they did it after two attacks.