With the upgrading of the war in northern Myanmar, the Chinese People's Liberation Army launched actual combat military exercises at the China -Myanmar border and called on local overseas Chinese to evacuate.

Scholars of interviewees believe that the military exercise is a signal issued by China to the Myanmar military government and minority local armed organizations (referred to as "civilians"), that is, the strength of cracking fraud is not slow.Burmese relations.

According to the WeChat public account "Southern theater" on Saturday (November 25), Tian Junli, a spokesperson for the Southern theater of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, said that the southern theater organized the Army forces on the side of the Chinese and Myanmar border.Experience activities.He did not explain how long the training would last, or the number of participating troops.Tian Junli stated that the exercise aims to test the rapid maneuverability, border control, and firepower strike capabilities of the theater troops. The time point is "according to the annual training plan".He said that the theater troops are always preparing for all kinds of emergencies, and resolutely safeguard national sovereignty, border stability, and the safety of people's lives and property.

According to Reuters, the Myanmar military government spokesman Zumin swallowed that the Burmese party received a notice on the exercise and said that the exercise aims to maintain the "stability and peace" in the neighboring area of ​​the border.The principle of Myanmar's internal affairs.

Zuo Min swallowed on the official social media stating: "China -Myanmar's military relations are firm, the two armies are friendly and continuously strengthened."

Earlier, a truck team from China entered Myanmar on Friday (November 24) was attacked in the Muse Town (MUSE) in northwestern Bangbang in northern Myanmar, and more than a hundred trucks were burned.Earlier this week, the old streets in northern Myanmar were attacked by rocket launchers, causing at least 10 people to die.The military government and the civilians have denied that they did it after two attacks.

With the upgrading of the situation, the Chinese Embassy in Myanmar urgently reminded Chinese personnel in the old streets of Jitei in northern Myanmar to transfer evacuation as soon as possible and stay away from the conflict area.

Northern Myanmar region has been controlled by different places for a long time to control the essence of the essence.In late October this year, the civilians were under the banner of anti -telecommunications fraud gangs to attack multiple bases that the Burmese army in northern Myanmar, forcing the Burmese Army to retreat.

Some analysts pointed out that civilians Wu Neng quickly captured northern Myanmar because the goal of cracking down on fraud was consistent with Beijing and received Chinese assistance in resources and equipment.

China has vowed to crack down on online telecommunications fraud activities in northern Myanmar in recent years.Due to the limited law enforcement power abroad, Chinese officials have strengthened cooperation with local forces with northern Myanmar in the past six months, and have made significant progress in recent months.The law enforcement of the two sides destroyed a number of fraud groups and arrested more than 30,000 fraud criminals, including several important leaders.

Li Mingjiang, an associate professor of Nanyang University of Science and Technology Rajele South International Research Institute, was judged during an interview with Lianhe Morning Post. China has achieved large extent to clear the goal of eliminating northern Myanmar's telecommunications fraud, but the offensive of the civilians on the Burmese army is stillStrong, this allows China to recognize the Burmese military power and actively deal with the military government. China is in trouble.

He said that China hopes to continue to solve the problem of telecommunications fraud, but does not want the situation in northern Myanmar to continue to lose control, affecting China -Myanmar relations."The Chinese PLA held military exercises on the China -Myanmar border, which means to express the means of stopping war through an indirect way."

Zhang Yun, director of the Southeast Asia Research Institute of Jinan University, also agreed that China was releasing a signal of a stable situation.He said: "China believes that the door of the house cannot be chaotic, there is no turmoil and tension. China hopes to calm conflicts, avoid further upgrading the situation, and affect the stability of the border and region of Yunnan in China."

Zhang Yun pointed out that China's position on Myanmar's history is very clear: the Democratic League must negotiate with the central government, and armed conflicts cannot solve the problem.However, China will not clearly support which party on this issue, because this is a position in China that has never interfered in Myanmar's internal affairs.Zhang Yun believes that China also shows to the Burmese military government that they will continue to crack down on telecommunications fraud, but this does not mean that they support the armed operations of civilians.He said: "China hopes that the Myanmar military government will simply regard this incident as a cross -border cooperation against fraud."