(Beijing Comprehensive News) China Construction Bank convened six housing enterprises for discussions to further support the financing needs of housing enterprises and supplement liquidity.

Surging News Friday (November 24) quoted people familiar with the matter reported that the CCB's head office convened six housing companies to hold a symposium on the same day and listened to the needs of various housing companies at the meeting.

The above six real estate companies are Vanke, Longhu, Midea Real Estate, New City Development, Binjiang Group, and Dahua Group.At the symposium, various housing companies exchanged bond underwriting and investment, operating property loans, bank credit increases, overseas and cross -border financing.

It is reported that the General Office of the Bank of Communications will also convene eight housing companies to discuss related matters one week.

The People's Bank of China, the General Administration of Finance Supervision, and the China Securities Regulatory Commission held a symposium on November 17 to ask financial institutions to treat them equally to meet the reasonable financing needs of different ownership real estate companies.Broken loan.

Bloomberg reported on November 20 that people familiar with the matter reported that the Chinese regulatory authorities were drafting a list of developers who were eligible to obtain financing.And Longhu Real Estate.This shows that Beijing is increasing its efforts to boost the real estate industry.