(Shanghai Comprehensive News) After the mouse heads and maggots were found in the cafeteria of Chinese universities, the incident of eating vaccine needles in the cafeteria burst out in the cafeteria.

Some netizens revealed that a needle was eaten in the cafeteria food in Shanghai Jiaotong University, causing public opinion.According to the video media Bailu Video under the Shaanxi.com, the University Logistics Security Department responded on Friday (November 24) that the needle found in the relevant departments in the meals is not for the human body or the needle for experiments.It is a needle for pigs to get vaccines.

A response also said that when the pig was born, he had a bad temper and refused to cooperate. He might hit the bone, and the needle was broken in, about 1.5 cm long.

The Shanghai Minhang District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau posted on the official Weibo on Saturday (November 25) that the bureau has paid attention to public opinion on the matter and has now been involved in the investigation.

This is not the first accident in the cafeteria of Chinese universities.In June of this year, a student from Jiangxi Vocational and Technical College ate a foreign body similar to the head of a rodent in the meals of the school cafeteria. The students uploaded foreign objects to upload the Internet and caused controversy.

The school insisted that the foreign body was not a mouse head but a duck neck, but the official investigation team of Jiangxi Province finally determined that foreign bodies were indeed the head of mouse rodents.The food business license of the cafeteria involved was revoked, and the official also punished the enterprises involved and the legal representatives.

According to the surging news reported on Saturday, the leaders of the Jiangxi Institute of Technology in the Jiangxi Institute of Technology have recently been adjusted recently.

In addition, at the same month after the duck neck incident of the mouse head, a creep was found in the grilled fish in the cafeteria in Jiaozuo City, Henan Province.Officially ordered the stalls to stop business and investigate and deal with it.