A company, which is related to the founder of China Alibaba Ma Yun, has added a new company "Ma Family Kitchen".The Ma family kitchen must not make prefabricated dishes.

According to the report of China Surging News on Saturday (November 25), Chen Wei issued a text in the circle of friends that when he saw Ma Yun entering the prefabricated dishes, he passed on, "the Ma family kitchen must not make prefabricated dishes."Chen Wei did not disclose the specific business of the Ma family's kitchen, but it is clearly stated that "eating is the avenue of earth, not a track to invest in making big money."After joining Alibaba, I mainly listen to Ma Yun about two things."He listened for 20 years. Last year, he asked Ma Yun when he could eat the duck. Ma Yun replied that his father had not eaten for 50 years, and he had to wait.

Chen Wei also wrote: "Yesterday I saw the media reported that the Majia kitchen had to make prefabricated dishes. I almost sprayed the rice out of the meal. I asked my colleagues.Relatives are looking for this duck, and I haven't found it to this day.Sales (only sell pre -packaged foods), import and export of goods, wholesale of edible agricultural products, daily necessities, hotel management, technical services, etc.

Quick Technology quoted industrial and commercial information reports on Friday (24th) that Majia Kitchen's main prefabricated dishes, agricultural product processing and wholesale.Surging News also reported at the time that the Ma family kitchen was a company prefabricated company.

The Majia Kitchen is a wholly -owned shareholding by Hangzhou Dajingtou Culture and Art Co., Ltd.Jack Ma holds 99.9%of the shares of Dajingtou.

The main personnel of the Majia Kitchen include Pau Jason John and Xu Shi.The surging news quoted the information of Tianyan Check that Xu Shi once served as an executive of the Zhejiang Ma Yun Public Welfare Foundation, and is now the legal representative of the two companies of Dajingtou and the Zhejiang Fengqing Public Welfare Research Institute.

The Southern Metropolis Daily reported that after the information established by the Ma family kitchen spread, Ma Yun layout the hot search on the prefabricated dishes, and drove the A -share prefabricated concept sector to rise as a whole.