The number of illness and control departments in China reports the number of influenza incidence rising rapidly, and prompts the pension institutions to prepare for prevention and control.

According to China Surging News, the Zhejiang Taizhou Disease Control Center issued a tip on Friday (November 24) that Taizhou has entered the season of high incidence of respiratory infectious diseases, showing the common trend of various pathogens.At present, influenza is in an epidemic, and the number of diseases is rapidly rising.

Taizhou CDC said that the city has two national influenza monitoring whistle, two provincial influenza monitoring whistle, and three original monitoring whistle of multi -respiratory tract multi -disease. The sample volume is large and the results are reliable.According to monitoring, the influenza virus nucleic acid positive rate of influenza virus in the Taizhou outpatient clinic has risen to 50%, which is at the average level of the province.; Coronary viruses are mainly popular plants in XBB, and the level of popularity continues to decrease, and it is currently at a very low level.

Disease Control of Taizhou reminded that people infected with a respiratory pathogen generally do not infect other respiratory pathogens at the same time, and it is likely that infection will occur at that time.In the process of protecting respiratory tract infectious diseases, special attention should be paid to common diseases.During the popular period, try to go to high risks such as dense infection as possible, and wearing masks scientifically when taking transportation or densely personnel public places.The elderly institutions should actively organize the elderly and related staff to inoculate vaccines such as crown diseases, flu, etc., and minimize the visit of foreign personnel as much as possible.

The Liaoning Provincial Disease Prevention and Control Center also issued a document on the 24th that according to the results of the epidemic monitoring, Liaoning Province has entered the influenza epidemic season. The detected influenza virus is mainly H3N2 and accounts for an absolute advantage.The current influenza epidemic has been rising, and there are mixed infections such as influenza and other respiratory viruses, bacteria, and mycoplasma.Influenza is mainly transmitted through the respiratory tract floss, or it can also be transmitted through contact. It mainly appears in densely places such as schools, young trustees, and pension institutions. Pay attention to preparations for prevention and control in advance.

The Anshan Disease Control Center issued a tip on the same day, saying that the city's influenza whistle monitoring data showed that the number of influenza sample cases rose rapidly, mainly A (H3N2) subtypes.There are increased cases and aggregation trends in units.The Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention reminds schools, child care institutions, and social welfare institutions to do a good job of preventing and controlling the influenza epidemic. Among them, schools and child care institutions should strengthen the morning afternoon inspection and lack of diligence registration in the school.Pay close attention to the physical condition during the school, and timely discover the infectious diseases in students, and the sick students avoid continuing to concentrate on the class during the infectious period or before the infectious disease.Social welfare institutes, nursing homes, etc. should strengthen personnel in -entry and exit management, minimize the frequency and number of visitors as much as possible, and wear masks as much as possible when visiting them visit.

In Zibo, Shandong, the number of pediatric clinics in the city's comprehensive hospitals has continued to maintain a high level. The hospital has adjusted the clinic during the clinic to operate at night, and the hospital's outpatient pressure increased sharply.

The monitoring data released by the Zibo City Disease Control Center on November 25 showed that the number of influenza sample cases reported by the city's whistle hospital increased significantly compared with the early stage.The positive rate of influenza virus is significantly rising, mainly based on seasonal H3N2 flu. Some schools have experienced influenza clustering epidemic, and the influenza fluid in Zibo City has been earlier than previous years.In addition to influenza viruses, adenovirus, respiratory cytosoma, and chlamydia of pneumonia have been detected recently.At present, influenza virus, adenovirus, respiratory tract synonymous virus, pneumoniacoplasty primary stacked trend, and a few cases of mixed infections have occurred in a few cases.

According to CCTV reports, various infectious diseases are overlapping in winter, and hospital pediatrics are overcrowded.From time to time, the "cruel scenes" of the child while the child's infusion, some hospitals have opened the "work zone", and some family private cars and camping equipment also come in handy, netizens directly call "madness".