(Beijing Comprehensive News) The Israeli ambassador to China Pan Qirui said that although a large number of anti -Semitic remarks have appeared in the Chinese community platform in the past period, this does not mean that China ’s anti -Semitic is anti -Semitic.The remarks gradually calmed down.

Irit Ben-Abba Vitale said in an interview with VOA that compared with seeing a lot of anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli remarks in China last month, such remarks have gradually subsided. She thinks China thinks China.The official statement is important.

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin responded to the "anti -Semitic" remarks on the Internet on October 30 at a routine press conference on October 30: "Chinese law clearly stipulates that the use of Internet information such as the use of online promotion, national hatred, and discrimination violence and other information"

Pan Qirui believes that this is a "very important message", reminding netizens to post discrimination, hatred, and violence.

But she also pointed out that the Chinese media did not correctly report the ins and outs of the Harbin War. They greatly reported that Israel launched the revenge attack on Gasha, but did not pay the same attention to Hamas's massacre on October 7th.It is a "distorted report".

But Pan Qirui also emphasized that the emergence of anti -Semitic remarks in the past month is a global phenomenon.In the past, she did not have such a phenomenon on social media in China, and she did not think that China was an anti -Semant country.

She admits that there are great differences in the nature of the Harbin War in China. China regards it as a wider problem, rather than Israel's special war that Israel is concerned about fighting terrorist organizations at this moment.China is still reluctant to admit that Hamas is a terrorist organization.

Pan Qirui said that the country does not agree with each other, but this does not mean that the relationship between the two parties must be affected.Israel and China still have common interests. She hopes that after the war, she will continue to promote economic and trade relations and other exchanges between the two countries.

Pan Qirui's interview was online on Friday (November 24).