China will implement export control for graphite used to manufacture the negative electrode materials of power batteries from December 1. The South Korean government has established a response working group led by the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, which will ensure that domestic graphite supply and demand is stable.

According to the Yonhap News Agency, Zhang Yingzhen, deputy minister of South Korea ’s Ministry of Industry, hosted a joint meeting of civil officials who responded to the graphite supply chain at the Seoul Korean Chamber of Commerce on Monday (October 23) to explore the specific response policies.

The South Korean government has jointly launched graphite supply and demand working groups with relevant institutions such as the Da South Korea Trade Investment Commune and other relevant institutions to ensure that the supply and demand of relevant enterprises is stable.

The South Korean government will maintain close communication and coordination with China through diplomatic channels such as high -level cooperation, so as not to be delayed or rejected by the import and approval of Korean enterprises from China.

In the long run, the South Korean government will also ensure that the supply of sutra of Tanzania and other replacements will be continuously supplied, and the diversification and autonomous control of the graphite supply chain will be actively strengthened.

The only POSCO FUTURE MI company in South Korea using graphite production battery negative materials, located in the first phase of the artificial graphite negative material in Puxiang City, is expected to be put into production at the end of this year.If the second phase of the plant is completed in the second half of next year, the company will produce 18,000 tons of artificial graphite negative materials per year.