The toughness, sustainability and long -term planning of the supply chain is a key area for improving global interconnection.Singapore's strong support for the "Belt and Road" initiative is also because its value is consistent with the goals of my country's global supply chain system based on openness, multilateral and regular global supply chain systems.

Xu Fangda, the Minister of Transportation and Minister of Finance of the Ministry of Communications and Minister of Finance, explained the above views on Wednesday (October 18) in Beijing on Wednesday (October 18) in Beijing.

Xu Fangda pointed out that global interconnection is essential for international trade, economic growth, and communication between people, and transportation is a key factor in improving interconnection. Therefore, it is necessary to continuously develop and upgrade infrastructure, capabilities and labor forceEssence

Xu Fangda took the crown disease epidemic as an example, emphasizing the importance of supply chain toughness.He pointed out that Singapore, as a trading country, aviation hub, and harbor, should strengthen the toughness of supply chain through the diversification and enhancement of mutual dependence and mutual benefit through trade links.

Therefore, Singapore has greatly supported the "Belt and Road" initiative early, hoping to create a win -win results for all stakeholders through consistent values ​​and goals.

In addition to toughness, the supply chain and interconnection methods must also be sustainable.Xu Fangda said that, like many countries, Singapore is investing in research on sustainable transportation technology and solutions, such as improving energy efficiency, using cleaner energy sources, and achieving electrification of vehicles and ships.

Xu Fangda said that some of the above plans have a business feasibility, which can reduce commercial costs and reduce carbon emissions, but how to expand its scope is still challenging.

Xu Fangda said that the opportunity to strengthen international cooperation, including the “Belt and Road” initiative, will help accelerate technological progress, develop supporting infrastructure, and train workers to prepare for energy transformation.

In terms of long -term planning, Xu Fangda pointed out that in addition to allowing the public to master the skills that adapt to the future through education and lifelong learning, it is important to find a suitable financing plan to provide funds for interconnected infrastructure and sustainable solutions.

Xu Fangda bluntly stated that these long -term investment only rely on government funding is not enough, and it needs a combination of public and private sectors.He introduced that the Singapore Financial Authority launched the "Net Zero Financing Action Plan" earlier this year. In addition to providing green financing, it also covers the transitional financing.

Xu Fangda said that this is believed to be a win -win and sustainable method in finance. It can provide funds for long -term investment and provide stable returns to investors.

As an international financial center, Singapore will continue to cooperate with global interests to find new ideas that can promote investment in Southeast Asia and other regions, and develop channels for acquiring private capital in order to complement the public resources.

This high -level forum is sponsored by the National Development and Reform Commission of China. The theme of "Deepening Interconnection and Building an Open World Economy" has attracted about 500 "Belt and Road" countries and related international organization representatives to participate.