China uses the Long March No. 2 Lange Rockets, successfully launching the fourth satellite of the Yunhai No. 1 series.

According to Xinhua News Agency, China Sunday (October 15) at 8 am at 8 am, at 8 am, using the Long March 2 Ding Yunzai Rockets at Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, successfully launched Yunhai No. 1 04 star, and the satellites smoothly went smoothly.Enter the predetermined orbit, and the launch task is successful.

The satellite is grasped by the Eighth Hospital of China Aerospace Technology Group Co., Ltd. It is mainly used to carry out tasks such as the detection of atmospheric marine environmental elements, spatial environment detection, disaster prevention and mitigation, and scientific tests.

It is reported that the task is the 491th flight of the Long March series of carrier rockets.