(San Francisco News) The Chinese man who was killed by the police after driving the Chinese consulate in San Francisco was from Shandong. The media found a number of fake guns and political assassination books in his San Francisco residence.

According to the San Francisco Standard News on Thursday (October 12), the Chief Forensic Office of San Francisco confirmed that the man named the man named Yang Zhanyuan (zhanuan yang), aged 31, and was a resident of San Francisco.The San Francisco Police Station who directly learned about the investigation said that Yang Zhanyuan carried a knife and crossbow when he was rushing into the Chinese consulate in San Francisco on Monday (October 9).

The San Francisco Standard Daily was allowed to visit Yang Zhanyuan's residence on Thursday. Five imitation guns were found in his room, and there were some aggressive weapons. The postcards on the wall showed that he lived in the apartment at least since 2016.inside.The documents in the room also showed that he was from Shandong. He graduated from Xingtan College of Qufu Normal University in Shandong in 2014.His roommate pointed out that he had studied at San Francisco University, and his ID card in his wallet showed that he had also studied at San Francisco City College.

The newspaper saw a book about political assassination on the living room bookshelf, the title of the book was political murder -from tyranny slaughter to terrorism.Yang Zhanyuan's key and wallet are placed on this book.

Yang Zhanyuan's roommate couldn't explain why he drove to hit the Chinese consulate. Although she lived together for three years, she claimed that she didn't know him well, because most of the time he was staying by himself and playing video games.She described that Yang Zhanyuan was a "very restrained person".