Typhoon Du Surui No. 5 this year (Du Surui "Friday (July 28) Landing on the coast of Jinjiang, Fujian, China, is the strongest typhoon that has landed in China since this year. It is also the typhoon in Fujian since the complete observation record.

According to the monitoring of the Central Meteorological Observatory of China, the center of "Du Surui" has landed around 9:55 on Friday. When landing, the maximum wind near the center is 50 meters per second, the intensity is a strong typhoon level, the lowest air pressure of the center is 945 945Baipa.

"Du Surui" will continue to go north after landing, and its residual circulation will even affect North China, Northeast China and other places in China. More than 10 provinces will have heavy rain.Be wary of destructive storms.

"Du Surui" is a rare "one -handed" typhoon bypassing Taiwan Island and directly landing in Fujian. The login intensity is second only to Typhoon Moranti, No. 14 2016, and has become a complete observation record.Typhoon in the second strongest in Fujian has been tied with Typhoon No. 15 in 1980.

According to the surging news report, the Chinese meteorological analyst introduced that the intensity of "Du Surui" will be weakened rapidly after landing. Starting on Saturday (29th), the impact of wind will be significantly weakened, but as the typhoon weakens weakened The latter low -voltage or residual clouds are going north, and it may be stranded in North China. It is expected that the impact on my country's rainfall will continue until August 2.

In order to prevent the typhoon "Du Surui", the China Meteorological Administration has launched the highest level of first -level emergency response, and the Fujian Provincial Meteorological Bureau has also launched a first -level emergency response to major meteorological disasters.Xiamen, Zhangzhou, Quanzhou, and Shantou in Guangdong have all implemented measures, production, suspension, and out -of -market measures.

Affected by typhoons, Fujian sea, land and air transportation is fully blocked.Some passenger trains of the number of passenger business lines along the coast of Fujian were suspended, of which all line passenger trains were suspended from 20:00 to 23:00 on the 27th to 23:00.In addition, Fuzhou International Airport has canceled more than 50 flights in Fuzhou area on the 27th.183 ships along the coast of Fujian were suspended.