The Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and Prime Minister of the State Council Li Qiang, when investigating the construction of the Pilot Zone in Shanghai from July 26th to 27th, emphasized that foreign companies and China have achieved mutual achievements. It is necessary to tell the story of foreign companies' development in China., Attract more foreign companies to cultivate the Chinese market.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Li Qiang pointed out that the spirit of Xi Jinping's important instructions on the construction of the Pilot Free Trade Zone must be implemented in depth, vigorously implement the strategy of the free trade pilot zone, and actively develop new exploration of high -level opening to the outside world.Continuously obtain new breakthroughs and accumulate new experience.

Li Qiang emphasized that we must actively promote the opening up of deeper and wider fields, and strive to make greater progress in creating open functional platforms, industrial ecology, and business environment.

He pointed out in the investigation of Cross -border Data Technology Co., Ltd. in Shanghai Lingang New Area District that data cross -border flow and management are a very concerned issue at present.Supply accumulation practical experience.Li Qiang in Lunz (Shanghai) Transmission System Co., Ltd. and Volvo Construction Equipment (China) Co., Ltd. have a detailed understanding of the situation of enterprises to promote intelligent manufacturing and re -manufacturing. He said that foreign companies and China have achieved mutual achievements.The story attracts more foreign companies to cultivate the Chinese market.In Shanghai Hongming Supply Chain Co., Ltd., Li Qiang affirmed the practice of innovative supply chain services in the enterprise. It is hoped that the regulatory authorities and related enterprises will cooperate with related enterprises to better help the stable supply chain of the industrial chain and the development of industrial clusters.

During the survey, Li Qiang presided over a symposium.After listening to the Ministry of Commerce and Shanghai, Beijing, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Henan, Hubei, Hubei, Guangdong, and Shaanxi related reports, Li Qiang pointed out that the construction of the Pilot Pilot Zone is an important strategic measure for the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China with Xi Jinping as the core to promote reform and opening up in the new era.EssenceIn the past 10 years, the Pilot Free Trade Zone has played a "head geese" effect of institutional innovation, creating a vivid model of open development, promoting the in -depth implementation of major strategies, and playing an important role in the process of China's reform and opening up.

Li Qiang emphasized that facing the future, the free trade pilot zone still shoulders the emphasis on the mission. It is necessary to vigorously implement the free trade pilot zone on the new starting point to improve the strategy of improving the leadership and iconic systems.For more high -energy open platforms, strengthen the development of new industries for the development of modern industries, and promote reform and development at high levels.It is necessary to put the focus of "promoting" on the connection high -standard international economic and trade rules and the opening up of the institutional type, adhere to the pilot first, focus on achieving higher levels of freedom and convenience of goods trade, leading service trade innovation and development, deepening reform and opening up in key areas, and deepening reform and opening up in key areas.Exploring the construction of a new model of cross -border data management and connecting the "post -border" rules and other aspects of active pilots.It is necessary to adhere to the upper and lower linkage, strengthen the implementation of the organization, advance in order in batches, improve work penetration, and form a strong joint force to promote the construction of the Pilot Zone.

Li Qiang fully affirmed the achievements of the economic and social development of Shanghai. He hoped that the relevant provinces and cities will fully implement the decision -making and deployment of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on economic work, and strive to contribute to the overall situation of the country.