(Beijing/Taipei Comprehensive News) After the typhoon "Du Surui" attacked Taiwan, after the death of one person, it continued to move northwest. It is expected to land in mainland China on Friday (July 28) and affect more than ten provinces.The coastal area of Fujian and Guangdong was strictly waiting, and schools and enterprises in many places and companies began to suspend classes on Thursday (July 27).

According to the WeChat public account of the China Meteorological Administration on Thursday, it is expected that "Du Surui" will land on the coast of Dongshan, Fujian to the Putian area on Friday morning to the morning of Fujian. When landing, the intensity is a strong typhoon or super typhoon.China Meteorological Administration launched a typhoon first -level emergency response on Thursday.

After the "Du Surui" landed, the meteorological department is expected to be inland from July 29th to 31st, which may penetrate the inland, bringing heavy rainfall to North China, Huanghuai and other places.

According to Global Network News, the Chinese National Defense Office, Emergency Management Department, Meteorological Bureau and other departments will investigate and judge on Thursday.When it is unfavorable, the rainfall continues in the southwestern region, and the situation of flood prevention and typhoon is severe.

In response to Fujian, Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi and other provinces, the Chinese National Defense General maintains the three emergency responses of flood prevention and typhoon prevention, and responds to the four emergency responses of flood prevention in the Southwest.Typhoon work.

Fujian has promoted the typhoon warning to the first level. Xiamen, Quanzhou, Shantou and other places issued a notice on Thursday to implement suspension, production, and suspension of classes throughout the city. Many flights and maritime passenger routes were canceled.

Tainan, Kaohsiung, Pingtung, Hualien, Taitung, Penghu, and Jinmen in Taiwan stopped classes and suspended classes on Thursday.The Taiwan Central Disaster Response Center reported on Wednesday that "Du Surui" had killed Taiwan alone. The deceased was the people of Wenlan Village, Xiulin Township, Hualien County. When he went up the mountain to check the water pipe, he encountered a surge in the stream and drowned unfortunately.