Following the timely optimization of real estate policies in the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, the Ministry of Housing and Construction of China proposes a specific plan for regulation of the property market, including policies and measures such as reducing the down payment comparison of the first house and the implementation of house recognition.

According to Xinhua News Agency on Thursday (July 27), Minister of Housing and Construction Ni Hong held an enterprise symposium to conduct in -depth exchanges on the high -quality development of the construction industry and the stable and healthy development of the real estate market.

Ni Hong proposed that we must vigorously support rigid and improved housing demand, further implementationPolicies and measures such as "recognition".

This is the latest statement and content of the Ministry of Housing and Construction after Monday (July 24) the Politburo meeting of the Communist Party of China on "Adjusting and Optimizing Real Estate Policy in a timely manner".

According to the analysis of professionals quoted by the Beijing News, the meaning of reducing the proportion of down payment and loan interest rate is that many cities have not reduced the down payment ratio to 20%, and the interest rate is still higher than 4.0%.Before early August, there will be a wave of surrender and interest rate operation.

For the policy of "recognition of houses and not recognizing loans", the middle finger research institute pointedThe buying group that needs to be changed to improve.Policies should be adjusted to support the demand for housing in a timely manner, optimizing house recognition and loan policy, which can activate core cities to replace chain and active market transactions.